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Hemophobia (Pt.10)
“Rain Always Stays”

After beating up two of her old colleagues, Mariposa walked calmly in a straight line to an unknown location, blood dripping down her bruised elbow from the attack she gave to Jade's face, leaving a trail of droplets as she continued her stride.

The more she walked, the more her thoughts ate at her and cracked her calm facade. Had she really just beaten up her friends for this stupid colony? The look on Jade's face, the blood that dripped his facial features, and what she did to Pearl…Bruising and breaking him beyond relief just cause they wouldn't listen.

Tears pricked at the sides of her eyes as these thoughts got louder and louder, making her steps tentative and staggered while she walked. Soon enough she couldn't take it anymore. With a loud growl, Mariposa brought her hand back before slamming her fist into tree bark, causing it to crack and split in half, falling backwards and landing on the wet mud below it with a loud, wet thud.

Mariposa’s hand shook and showed evidence of her damaged nerves as she fought to hold back tears from her recent actions, feeling disgusted, like she was gonna vomit after the images of Jade and Pearls beaten up body’s overlapped each other over and over and over and over again.

She fell down to her knees and began to sob uncontrollably, letting out screams and wails of agony at the “monster” she's become. However her crying was cut short as the sound of rustling tears filled the area around her.

Not wasting any time, Mariposa scans her surroundings as quickly as she could. Spotting a rock next to her, She jumped for it, clenching her fingers around it and throwing it towards the noise, hearing it connect with its target.


A voice shouted from the tree's. It sounded…young? Too young, almost feminine. Mariposa didn't drop her guard though, not knowing what that thing could be.

Wh-Who are you!? If you're from the colony…it's…It's not the time!”

She roared out, getting to her feet as elegantly as she could before getting into a fighting stance, ready to kill if needed despite her conflicting emotions on hurting anyone else.

Suddenly a figure shot out from the trees, tackling Mariposa down with shocking speeds, her eyes widening once she was pinned down against the cold mud beneath her. Kicking and screaming, Mariposa struggled against their hold which only heightened her shock which slowly turned to fear.

“What the hell!? What…what are you-!”

Her words turned into a lump in her throat as she scanned the figure with her eyes. It was a child, a real life kid in a battle simulation? What the hell is happening!? Were all thoughts that began playing in her head, consuming her earlier sadness with confusion.

“Jeez..I was just trying to scare you..didn't have to hit me with a rock…-”

The figure pouted before rolling off her and springing up onto his feet, rubbing his head in slight discomfort. Mariposa quickly followed, getting to her feet to fight before taking note of the child's appearance.

Those emerald green eyes, that bright, warm smile, dark gray curly hair, the bandages covering the top left of his head, overlapping his left eye and hiding it. It was #379…Eclipse-

“What the….Eclipse!?”

Mariposa shouted out to Eclipse's amusement, he did manage to scare her…well at least he thought so-.

“What are you doing here!? Why are you even here!? What….I'm…blahh! Eclipse what the hell!?”

Mariposa casually punched The boy in the arm, making his flinch in pain as she did so. Before Eclipse could say anything, Mariposa grabs him by his collar and lifts him off the ground, pulling them close to her face as she smirked, hiding a hint of anger that definitely wasn't hidden in how she spoke to him.

“Eclipse… I swear to God! It's been years, why do you still do that!? God! Actually…speaking of…years, Haha…”

She shook Eclipse as hard as she could, his body flopping in the direction she shook him in like a ragdoll as she started to yell.

“Where the hell have you been!?!?”

Eclipse, who was still being shook, struggled to get his words out in a coherent manner until Mariposa finally put him down, letting out a frustrated sigh in the process. Eclipse nearly fell backwards out of dizziness, his head spinning until he shook it vigorously and shivered. Feeling like Mariposa was gonna clock him again, Eclipse gulped nervously, placing on his normal bright smile to hide his fear.

“Hehe…see..funny thing…I uh…uhhh…I've been…in the experimentation lab…for 4 years..-

He admitted with a soft voice, avoiding eye contact as he could already feel her eyes burning into his head.

Mariposa’s eyes softened at his words once she heard them, immediately taking a deep breath to calm herself down, knowing he couldn't control his absence.

“Ugh.. It's fine. It's fine. I'm just happy you're safe..”

Mariposa scanned Eclipse closely, taking note of his new appearance. Besides the clothes he was wearing, she took note of the bandages covering his eye, he didn't have that when they had met beforehand all those years ago, so why does he have it now?

She thought that there was no other way to get to know why besides asking so, that's what she decided to do..and by ask, she really just unwrapped bandages before Eclipse could react or say no.

After taking the bandages off, She was met with an image that left her petrified. She didn't know why but just the sight of it made her feel uneasy, turning this otherwise innocent boy into a towering entity that made her shake with fear. She quickly wrapped the bandages back around Eclipse's eye, her breathing ragged, sometimes hitching or completely stopping between breaths until it was fully covered.

Eclipse was clearly confused, not feeling anything wrong with his eye but at the same time he hasn't seen his left eye in years so he wouldn't know.

Mariposa took a deep breath before exhaling, steeling her body and calming down. After getting that frightening image out of her mind, She went to turn away and leave before immediately getting her hand grabbed by Eclipse who hopped up and down eagerly.

“Maripossssaaaaaa. C'mon don't leave yet! We have a lot of catching up to do. I have a friend who should be helping some people she found in this forest at our base! You have to meet her!”

Before Mariposa could even say anything, She was quickly pulled and forced to follow him. Her eyes widened at the boy’s strength, is this why that eye exists? She decided to ignore her thoughts and follow closely behind Eclipse, a small smile appearing on her face as she was dragged.

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