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"New Experiences"

Eclipse busted into the mall with a wide smile on his face, the noise alerting the citizens towards the boy's location who stared in confusion, some in annoyance. He didn't mind though, especially since he was too wrapped up in the beauty of this building.

Beautiful, white, marbled floors. Sweet, breathable air. Stylish decor with golden trimmings along its edges. All of these was overwhelming for Eclipse to see, his eyes barely accustom to the bright colors. His lips curved into a wide smile as he ran around the mall, tripping over some..pretty expensive stuff on the way and causing it to shatter into pieces on the floor.

"This place is awesome! It's so pretty! It's the best thing.. eve-"

Eclipse's raving was quickly cut short by a security guard grabbing him by the back of his collar and lifting him off the ground with relative ease.

"Glad you like it, kid. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave and never come back though." The guard said in a deep and groggily voice, almost like he hasn't slept since this morning.

Eclipse, who was currently being held like a pinata on a string, shifted his momentum to stare at the mall cop with a nervous smile. He went to open his mouth and speak, trying to give some sort of reasoning for his hyperactive out burst..but that immediately got caught off by a loud "Ahem" coming from behind the guard.

"Excuse me. I think you're harming something of mine." The voice continued on.

The security got froze up and dropped Eclipse instantly with his eyes as wide as dinner plates. He slowly turned around to face the voice to reveal Saturn with Pluto directly behind her. Saturn scowled, staring deep into the soul of the guard which made him straighten his posture as well as his clothes.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, sat..er... boss. I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was with yo-"

"Zip it. I want you to pick him up and leave before I ruin my high heels with your throat."

An audible gulp was heard from their throat as he quickly picked Eclipse up and sped away to avoid further repercussions. Saturn huffed softly, already starting to dislike this kid Infront of her just from his energy alone. She walked up to the boy with a warm smile on her face before slapping the back of his head, causing him to hold it in discomfort.

"Stay close to me or me and Pluto won't have to deal with an escort mission today." She warned with a snarl.

Without waiting for their response, Saturn yanked him off his feet by his hand and began dragging him towards the nearest clothing store with anger evident on her facial features.

Pluto followed directly behind the chilli pepper that was his friend, hoping Eclipse didn't piss her off any more than he already has or they'd both would have to face her at her maddest-.

Finally taking a step in the clothing store, Eclipse got hit by a wave of cool, fresh air, causing him to gasp loudly in surprise before calming down. Saturn's heels clicked against the ground, her eyes narrowed close enough to squint.

The patrons and even the workers in the store immediately straightened their posture once the noticed Pluto and Saturn walk in, some of them even bowing which Saturn scoffed at.

"Peasants..." She mumbled under her breath, hurting one of the guys feelings who heard it.

Pluto rolled his eyes at her main character syndrome and split off from the two, going to the far end of the shop to avoid further ignorance he couldn't handle at the moment.

Saturn finally let go of Eclipse's arm and proceeded to grab a random array of suits and any other types of clothes around her, planning on playing dress up with him. Once she picked out a decent amount of combinations, Saturn casually pushed them into the boys hands, watching him stumble back into the dressing room and hitting the wall with a thud, closing the door shortly after.

"You're not allowed to walk around wearing...that. Especially. Not. Around. Me. So, I picked out some clothes for you to try on while I try to find something for us to eat."

Eclipse fumbled with the clothes in his hands, his eyes scanning over them in pure confusion before replying with a hesitant voice.

"This is nice an all...but I don't even know how to wear some of this stu-"

"Good luck Hun! I'll be back in 30 minutes!"

He stood inside of the dressing room with a blank face. A complete lack of instruction was definitely...gonna make this hard but.. he'll manage. Eclipse grabbed the bottom of his hospital gown with tentative hands, pulling it up and sighing heavily as he felt the cold air hit his skin, a relaxed sigh leaving his lips.

He turned his head to the right, facing a mirror which he stared at, seemingly hypnotized. He took notes of his body, he was pretty toned..that was good. The bruises on his body were gone too..that's good as well, but he got those 2 days ago..how are they..already..-

He slowly traced a finger over a part of what should be his broken ribcage, feeling a soft ripple that smoothed out mid touch. He stumbled back and hit the wall of the change room with a thud, his eyes widened in shock and slight fear at what he felt.

He brought a hand up to his head as a desperate attempt to get a grip on reality again. He felt his heart thump violently against his chest which was swiftly partnered by heavy panting. He felt the same anxiety he had in..that place.

"Everything alright, dear? You seem... scared."

A voice familiar to him said to Eclipse, causing his head to shoot up and focus on the mirror again which he took hesitant steps towards. His left hand reached out to touch the cold glass as his right one slid over the bandages on his right eye. He felt a shiver go down his spine as his digits made contact, his breathing speeding up even further.

"I-Its fine.. I'll be fine..I just have..to yank it off..just..."

Eclipse clenched the bandages tightly, the forcing allowing small gaps in between the soft material for his fingers to slip into. He took a deep breath and held it in his chest as he stared at himself in the mirror, noticing the look of fear plated on him. Without further hesitation, He pulled it off, the rest of his hair finally revealing its self in a messy form.

He slid his hand beneath his curls and swiped them to the right to show what he wanted to see for the past 4 years. His other eye slowly fluttered open, not showing any difference from his left. He let out a breath of relief and slid his hand off the mirror and back to his sides.

"It's still me.." He whispered to himself.

His eyes darted down to the pile of clothes before him, staring blankly for a good 10 seconds before randomly pulling out clothes to try on.


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