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Hemophobia (Pt.13)

Eclipse was currently walking alone through the forest, twiddling his thumbs, deep in thought. He couldn't get the look Luna had on her face when she told him to leave. What was up with that? She looked..terrifying.. and he could've sworn he felt the room get colder..that was no doubt. Then what Pluto said.. Bloody Luna or whatever.. That's not just a nickname..it seems like a title. Is Luna really a monster?

“No…she.. She does hide stuff from me but she's.. She isn't a monster. I don't want to believe that..” Eclipse whispered to himself under his breath, his eyes narrowed in concern for her and he didn't even know why.

Continuing his walk, Eclipse kicked a couple rocks and swung a couple sticks while giggling to himself, he hasn't been able to let loose like this since he's been here, not with the item grabbing he had to do with Luna. He felt more like an accessory than a friend at this point.. but as long as she's happy…right?

A soft sigh left his lips as he stops in his tracks. His head swirled with questions with no answers. His mind going haywire. He felt like his head was gonna explode.. that was until he heard a voice that seemed…too close

“Duck..” The voice said in a soft, motherly yet commanding tone.

“Wait what?” 

Eclipse turned around to find where the voice was coming from only to get an arrow lodged in his shoulder blade, making him fall backwards in pain. He collided against the ground, mud coating the back of his hospital gown. Crimson leaked from the wound in his arm, staining the tip of the arrow…as well as his clothes.

Panic filled his mind as he scurried to get up, tripping and stumbling onto his feet as his head tossed and turned left and right to find where the arrow came from. He didn't say a word, he was terrified, If that was just a bit closer..it would've hit his throat..

The trees rustled around Eclipse, only serving to heighten his fear and anxiety. holding his arm in discomfort, he looked up at the vast forest before him, staring deeply into the branches and leaves. But then he heard whispers…loud whispers, they were crowding his mind, making his head throb. He didn't know if he should continue holding his shoulder or try to calm his mind, this was too much for the boy.

He felt like his heart was gonna leap out of his chest, his breathing turned into heavy pants as a cold sweat slid down his forehead. The whispers only got louder, screaming at him. What were they saying? It was hard to hear! Stop! Cut it out!

“Behind you!”

Without thinking, Eclipse turned around to meet a hooded figure who sent a devastating blow hurling towards his face, the wind whistling around the figure's fist. Eclipse brought his arms up In Front of his face and flexed his forearms to block the attack. The hit connected with a sickening crack. Eclipse's forearm bruised on contact and he was sent flying. Was this how fighting went? Who was this person?! Why are they attackin-


Eclipse’s back hit a tree with a loud thud. All the air rushed out of his lungs with an uncomfortable feeling. He landed face first into the mud, his body twitching and shivering as he struggled to look up at the figure with his now blurred vision.

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