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Hemophobia (Pt.11)
“Inconvenient Situation”




Shouted a feminine voice from a distance.


What sounds like glass shattering echoes throughout a beautiful hallway, covered head to toe with fairy lights which produce a bright, golden glow. Down the hall, what seemed like the owner of the feminine voice stormed out of a room, and what seemed like a servant followed behind her shortly after, a bead of sweat dripped down his facial as he tried to calm her down.

“M-Miss Sat-”

“Shut it!”

She immediately quiets The person behind her who seemed desperate to explain something to her, but she was way too out of control to listen. This new person was a light-skinned woman who wore what looked like a white, sleeveless shirt. She had three rings around her wrists and one around her neck. She had faded, golden colored eyes and long, straight, black hair which faded into an amber color at her ends.

“Who even goes on a mission like that?! Huh?! Am I the only one in S.t.a.r.s that had a brain cell left?!”

She continues, berating unknown people from this “S.t.a.r.s” group she’s a part of. She huffs and puffs her way to another room with a closed off door, the planet Earth poorly placed on the door frame. She knocked on it violently, nearly cracking the wood as she did so.

“Tierra! ¡Sal aquí! We have a problem! The idiots doing stuff without telling us again!”

There was a deafening silence after she spoke as she waited impatiently. She tapped her foot on the ground, eager to kick the door down herself. Who the hell did Tierra think they were?! Denying someone of her status immediate answers!

A few more seconds passed as she waited for Tierra to open up her room. Soon enough, the door forcefully pulls open, revealing a short woman who couldn't be taller than 5’3, staring at her with bags under her eyes. Tierra was a fair-skinned teen with long, blue hair that she put into a bun. There were long, green streaks going from her hairline and up to her bun, creating a neat pattern that didn't match her tired facial features. All of this was topped off with bright green eyes.

“If it isn't the diva… What's the problem this time? Did he spill some nail polish on your tacky clothes again?”

Tierra said with a smirk on her face, knowing exactly how to get under their skin. However, her joke was immediately met with her arm being grabbed as she was pulled out of her room. Tierra didn't seem to mind though-

“Har, Har, so funny you are. You're lucky I'm even touching you right now. Unfortunately we have more.. important matters.”

Tierra let out a sigh at their words, finding them annoying..per usual. After a few minutes of dragging, Tierra was tossed into what looked like a control room. Tvs and computers surrounded the new environment, creating a creepy atmosphere that she was used to. She stood up and dusted herself off as the person who threw her inside followed closely after.

“What am I supposed to be looking at here, Saturn? It's just the battlefield, what's wrong with it?-”

She said with an ungodly amount of disinterest. But her sentence was cut short by Saturn covering her mouth.

“Well if you could shut that gaping hole of yours I could explain.”

Saturn took a deep inhale and pointed at one of the Tvs, revealing Pluto sitting on what looked like a throne made of sticks. People surrounded him, they looked like guards of some kind.

Tierra faked a loud gasp, her eyes wide and her mouth agape, mocking Saturn.

“Oh my god… Pluto..being an egomaniac?! Saturn..why didn't you tell me sooner?!”

Saturn rolled her eyes at their words, her fists clenching in anger, causing her nails to dig into her palm. With a deep inhale, She steeled herself and pointed to another camera, revealing what looks like a teenage girl working on an injured man who seemed like they were inches away from death.

For once, Tierra’s eyes widened, showing a different emotion besides disinterest and sarcasm. She took a couple tentative steps forward to see if she was actually seeing this right. It was…her. After all this time..they found her.


Tierra said in a whisper, her hand going out to touch the screen. Saturn quickly slapped her hand away however, making her pull it back in pain.

“First, Don't touch that, it costs more than you do. Second, do you see the problem? Two people from our group are in this stupid battlefield. They literally have the ability to kill these guys 5 times over. Luna has been off the radar for years. Four years! So why the hell is she there and how the hell did Pluto find her before us?!”

Saturn slammed her hand down on the control panel, putting a hole in it and causing electricity to crackle around her fist. She turned around to face Tierra, her eyes narrowed in anger.

“Call the others..we have to see this unfold..”

She waved her hand over the control panel and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her in a huff.

Tierra watches her leave, still not believing that they found Luna after all this time. A gulp could be heard from her, followed by a bead of sweat and a tentative smile. She turned back to face the control panel, noticing how it's…fixed? She chuckled and shook her head.

“Saturn..you beauty as a beast..this earned you some cool points..”

Meanwhile, another tv was broadcasting another feed, showing a short boy, seemingly dragging a woman away.

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