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“Who Are You?”

“We have to find him..”

“I'm sure he's alright-”

“YOU DONT KNOW …You don't know that..”

“Fine..sorry for trying to comfort you..”


Eclipse’s eyes shot open violently, the feeling of a thick substance filling his mouth and lungs as if he were drowning. Panicking, he tried to scan his surroundings, waving his hand only to find that he was submerged in …something. He kicked his feet as he looked up, but saw nothing, no light, no people. It reminded him about how he's lived.. Wait where'd that come from? The thick substance began filling his lungs like a pitcher, making his eyes roll back as he took deep breaths, his body in full panic mode. He fought and fought against this until he didn't. He fell limp, his body floating in the substance as he blacked out. 

“Are you serious?!” Shouted a female voice 

“I'm not some damn babysitter! I'm top rank in this damn school and group, and you're telling me to protect some random!?” She continued on.

“That's enough. It's because of your rank why I think you're perfect to..’Babysit’. It doesn't matter how much you argue. It's set in stone and you'll be shipped out tonight.” A Voice replied sternly.

They both sounded faded out, almost ethereal. It was kinda calming.. Calming…yeah, calm.. 

Eclipse woke up on what felt like hard concrete, his eyes fluttering open as he regained consciousness. Before he could even question what's happening, or even take note of his surroundings, he felt the urge to vomit, immediately rolling over to expel his insides, a black sludge falling out of his mouth, causing him to stumble back in shock and fear. It made it even worse when it molded back into the floor below them, it made him feel uneasy.

He wiped his mouth with his hand and slowly got up, his eye widened with curiosity, forcing him to finally examine the place he was in fully. He ended up stomping on the ground, to gauge how wide this place was only to hear no echo, just silence. 

Silence and silence, nothing else but silence in this pitch black void. The ground, if you could even call it that, was an ink-like substance, clinging to Eclipse's feet as he stood on it like it was alive, begging for help

“W-What's …What's happening? Wh-Where am I?! Hello!? HELLO!? Luna..Mariposa..? Anyone?! P-Please …I don't like this..I don't like the dark.. I don't like being alone..!”

Eclipse said with a shaky voice, struggling to stand up straight as his head snapped left and right, even up, desperately trying to find someone, anyone. He felt cramped, like he was still surrounded in the vast space, the scent of wet moldy carpet filled his nostrils as he tried to sniff out someone, something, just like Luna had taught him before.

Tears welled in his eyes once the only scent he caught was one of iron. This revelation made his pupils dilate as his chest heaved up and down.

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