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Hemophobia (Pt.9)
“Rainy conflict”

Rain gently fell from the clouds, making gentle contact with the ground below it, creating small puddles in its wake. Animals peaked out from their hiding spots, insects landing on the now soaked leaves and tree branches. However. All that silence, all that peace was abruptly disturbed by what sounded like wood breaking. A person grunting could be heard. The sound of wind whooshing following right behind it. A wet thud was heard, Indicating that the person who grunted ended up falling backwards.

“Wh-What do you want?! We don’t..we dont want to join! We told you..this already!-”

Shouted The person, their voice hoarse as if they were hit in the throat or choked out. They quickly stumbled up to their feet only to kicked right back down, this time in the chest. They desperately gasped for air, struggling to regain it as The person that kicked them stood over them threateningly.

“..Look.. I know. I know! But this isn’t up for debate. You’re lucky I came here instead of The general..”

Said a feminine voice. Her tone was firm and stern, yet caring and comforting. He couldn’t tell if she was trying to kill him or not; and that scared him more than anything else. He swallowed thickly, his hands shaking as he looked up at her. That threatening aura..what the hell was she? He went to get up once more but he couldn’t. It was like his body was trying to tell him to stay down, knowing if he did anything else it would be over.


Shouted another voice, this one more masculine than the other. The injured person’s head quickly snapped to the left where he heard the voice, his eyes widening as he noticed who it was, a smile creeping onto his face. The newcomer slowly assessed the situation, his eyes scanning his surroundings before sighing softly. He walked over to the feminine voice, his calm expression betraying his pissed off body language. He looked back at The injured man, his  eyes narrowing with concern, noticing the bruises and cuts on their body. This only pissed him off more, his fists clenching hard enough to draw blood from his palms. He slowly turned around to face the feminine voice once more, staring dangerously at The woman.

“What do you want, Mariposa? If its about that stupid group…We already told you no..”

He said in a snarl, his teeth barring, revealing sharp, wolf-like canines clenched against each other. Mariposa sighed softly, already knowing where this was going. She didn’t need to explain herself, he already knew. She took a few steps back, creating space between the two of them.

“Alright..alright…I’ll leave. But..you can’t beat him..and you know this..”

Her tone was almost degrading, even though that wasn’t her intention whatsoever. However, The man we now know as Jade didn’t know this. Instead seeing it as a sign of disrespect to Mariposa’s annoyance. Without any more words being traded, Jade sprung into action, running at her full sprint, his hand pulled back for a devastating punch. He launched his fists forward, aiming for Mariposa’s chest.

Mariposa sighed softly as she got into her fighting stance. She quickly took a step back, narrowly avoiding the attack Jade threw, a regretful look on her face as she slid her leg back, planting it firmly into the ground and sending her elbow crashing into the side of Jade’s jaw with a loud crack. Jade stumbled back, grunting in pain as he held the side of his cheek. His hand traced his own jawline, checking for any fractures or cracks, but was shocked to feel none what so ever. His eyes widened, quickly looking back at Mariposa who was rubbing her now bruised and bloody elbow. She didn’t break his bones…she broke hers.

Mariposa didn’t seem to mind, instead taking note of the fact that her punch indeed did some damage to Jade. That’s all she needed to know. She leapt back in, Launching a straight kick towards Jade’s gut which was blocked immediately. He reached his hands out, firmly grabbing her leg, his nails digging into her calf as he picked her up and attempted to slam her into the ground.

Thinking quickly on her feet, Mariposa extended her arms out, her palms making contact with the ground and holding her up. She pulled her legs back, slipping them out of Jade’s vice-like grip before launching them both forward, making brutal contact with his face. Blood slowly leaked from Jade’s nose, trailing down to the bottom of his chin and dripping down into a dirty puddle, mixing with it. He wasn’t given much time to wipe it off though as Mariposa sends her left foot across their face, making him stumble off to the left, falling directly into the ground. She got onto her feet, a soft expression on her face as she looked down at Jade, her eyes showing sympathy and concern.

“Damn it Jade! Stop being stubborn..! You can’t beat me! You can’t beat the general! Just…Just give up and join again..you’re being stupid..”

“I’m stupid?! Me?! You’re teamed up with a psychopath!! You attacked Pearl..leaving him critically injured.. Because of some stupid orders?! You’re betraying your friends! Everyone you’ve cared about… If being in that group means I have to do that… then i don't wanna be there! You're nothing but a monster and a slav-”

Jade was quickly kicked in the face, knocking him out completely. Mariposa took a deep, shaky breath, her hands clenched as she turned away from the two unconscious men. Regret ate at her, but there was nothing she could do about that, at least not right now.

“I hate..i really hate how you’re right…-”

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