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Hemophobia (Pt 14)
“Something Isn't right.”

Luna was currently working on the unconscious man, Jade. Her hand poked their face over  and over again until they sat up with a loud groan.


Jade shouted out with a groggily voice and quickly turned to Luna, his eyes narrowed in anger. But Luna didn't seem to care even a little bit, just chuckling as they got up.

“There you go. Finally up, huh? I know dogs get startled easily but I never thought you'd react like that.” Luna teased with a smirk on her face

Jade rolled his eyes at her words and looked away, avoiding eye contact with The woman.

“I still hate that damn nickname..”

Jade rolled off the table and landed feet first onto the ground below him, towering over Luna by 7 inches. He stared down at them with a menacing gaze, a stare that would usually scare anyone else. But Luna wasn't anyone, She stared him back down, a cocky smile forming on her stoic features.

Jade let out a heavy sigh and turned away from her once more before opening his mouth to speak, trying to push away his rage.

“Aren't you supposed to be dealing with important business? You were never the type of person to flunk out a mission if you were called to it.” Jade had a weird tone of disdain in his voice as he spoke, his fists lightly clenched.

Luna’s expression quickly changed to silent rage, her eyes narrowed into slits and her mouth neutral. She wanted to kill him right then and there, she was beyond tired of people talking about her past..or her decisions.. but there was nothing she could do about that. She relented and rolled her eyes.

“You know I liked being around you idiots. You and Pearl we're fun to be around. But that…mission, wasn't something I could just push off. It was too important and you know this. So how about you quiet that muzzle of yours before I sew it shut, dog boy.”

Luna lets out a sigh and walks back over to her workbench, bumping shoulders with Jade on her way there. She pulls her hand back and very casually punches a hole through the wall before pulling out her arm..as well as a hunter knife-.

“Look.. I'm sorry, okay? But if you were in my position you would've done the same. So stop acting like a damn loser and let me live my li-...”

Luna paused and quickly snapped her head to the still very broken door to her left. She felt a cold shiver run up her spine..but it's not like she activated it..so where's that chill coming from? Why was she scared? Why was…

“Help! Someone! Please…! Please help u-...us…”

Luna heeled over, falling knees first onto the ground as she clenched her chest. Her eyes widened, her breathing heavy, her hands trembled.. Something was wrong.. What was happening??

Jade kinda just…stared at Luna, an eyebrow raised at her random mental break down. Despite his anger and lingering hatred, he was still worried for his past friend. He kneeled down Infront of her, patting her back gently with concern tracing his features.

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