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“Rainy Day”

The sounds of feet splattering against the now wet ground echoing lightly throughout the forest, children scattering out to either hide or form their respective groups. Rain poured down heavily on all of the combatants, some getting soaked and others seeking covering as they shivered in discomfort at the cold droplets. Luna however was unamused, she practically despised most of everyone there for an unknown reason, mostly only here for one thing.

After a few more minutes of walking, she paused in her tracks, her wet footsteps coming to a halt as she scanned her surroundings. With a deep inhale, she let out a hummingbird whistle to everyone's confusion. She sat there and waited patiently, her eyes narrowed with an intimidating aura around her.

Suddenly the sound of tree leaves rustling filled the air. Most of the teenagers immediately thought it was a predator and ran off, But Luna knew better. The thing that caused the rustling hopped down from a branch, landing face first into the mud beneath them, revealing himself as Eclipse.

He quickly sat up, wiping his face off and spitting out some of the wet dirt that made its way into his mouth before getting to his feet. He looked over at Luna with a smile who immediately returned it back to him

“Hey, goofball. Why were you in the trees? You scared most of the others.”

“Uhm..are you hearing yourself!? It's been like….. years since I've been outside! Like…at least….3! I wanted to explore a little bit!”

Luna couldn't help but smile at The boy, enjoying how despite the situation he's in, he can always find the bright side of things. Quickly, she walked over to Eclipse, reaching out and grabbing the back of his now dirty shirt, casually picking him up by it.

“Okay, Okay. Valid reason, but stay with me, m’kay?”

She said softly, her tone way different than the one she had with Pluto, almost taking a motherly-like approach to it. Eclipse nodded at her words, immediately following instructions. With that cleared up, She hoisted the boy onto her shoulder and began to walk deep into the forest.

Midway through walking, Eclipse decided to ask Luna a question, one that caught her off guard completely.

“Luna…what are we?”

Eclipse asked, his tone strangely blunt yet still holding that same innocence. Luna’s ears perked at his words, Her footsteps slowing down slightly.

“We're humans, Eclipse..”

“You know that's not what I mean. Liikee..That Pluto guy! He made me feel…weird. Even when he laughed. That aura..and. And that bloodlust.. I've never seen anyone with that besides..besides you-”

Eclipse's questions were clearly making Luna nervous, even sweating slightly. She tried her best to ignore his interrogation, hoping he would stop asking, But with him being him, of course he didn't. He persisted, not allowing her to weasel her way out of this like she usually does.

“A-and his name! Pluto!? That's space stuff, Luna! Our names are too close. It's scary. Me and you have close names..but.. him too? And that thing he called you.. Luna the stai-”

“Enough, Eclipse.”

She demanded with a tone of annoyance. She looked over her shoulder, glaring at him with narrowed eyes which Eclipse didn't seem phased by in the slightest. He didn't care if he got told off, he cared about answers.

“You're doing that thing again.. I’ve been your friend since…forever! Why does he know more about you…than I do?”

“You don't need to know that..-”

“What? Why!? We've been through this before and you promised you would stop! That aura..how he sat, ready for anything. I thought of you when I saw that..that can't just be coincidence. You..Pluto..Me?? It's weird. And you know that.. But you're hiding stuff from me…you always do-”


That was the final straw for Luna. She gently took him off her shoulder and stared down at him with a gentle expression on her face. With a deep exhale, she began to speak.

“I don't want to tell you for one reason. You can't handle it..I'm not looking down on you with these words either. You need to show me that you can handle this…and you haven't done that yet…”

She reached her hand out and swiped a bit of his hair off of his face, giving him a soft smile as she leaned in closer.

“I understand you want to learn…you will learn…just…give me some time…okay?”

She continued. Her words dug deep into Eclipse's core, he didn't want her to hide anything else from him but he knew he shouldn't try and dig any deeper into her past out of fear of hurting her. With that thought in mind, Eclipse finally relented with a light nod.

“O…Okay..I'm sorry-”

He bowed his head lightly, showing a sign of respect before immediately getting his head flicked by Luna, causing him to stumble a bit.

“Don't bow to me, it makes me feel old. Now c'mon, get on my back. you're a strong little fella, but now that I know Pluto is here, you'll get creamed. I'm gonna train you

“Ow! You could've just said that-”

He pouted, rubbing his forehead in slight discomfort as he hopped on her back, allowing her to carry him throughout the rainforest. Despite his expression, he couldn't feel happier that she was genuinely training him, barely able to contain his smile. He gently tapped the heel of his shoe on her side and shouted for her to go faster which of course she did without hesitation.

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