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“Unwanted Answers”

Loud chattering was heard in what looked like a small village, people walked around the closed off civilization, people with fruit patches on their robes, some on their pant legs and others on their arms. They all seem to be preparing for something, hacking away at the wood walls surrounding them and shoving a spike through the hole they've created. Meanwhile, in the middle of the village was a house elevated by sticks and ropes. Inside it? None other than the mystery man Pluto.

Pluto let out a loud sigh as he stared down at his people, his eyes narrowed as he did so, almost like seeing this brought back bad memories. With a huff, He turned away from the window and faced a wall of weapons. Bows, swords, axes, even what looked like dynamite, all rested on the wall with an ominous aura.

“...This mission is practically a death sentence. I should've told the others.. there's no telling where they are currently..”

Pluto whispered to himself, showing a confusing amount of fear and concern in his voice. His hands clenched up, anxiety crawling up his spine with cold hands while he clenched his teeth. His ego, or at least the wall of it he put around himself was clearly down for right now, presenting a different side to him.

“Cmon Pluto! Look at this place! It's beautiful!”

Pluto snapped his head to the door of his residence, only to see a beautiful mansion, with what looked like a girl running towards it. He was confused…what was happening and why was it happening now? He then paused, his eyes wide. The mansion, the girl, it made sense to him now. He walked over to the mansion, taking note of a fountain which he looked into, seeing a younger version of himself in the reflection.

“..sigh… Yeah..this is it..”

Tears welled up in his eyes which he quickly wiped away and pushed himself away from the fountain, stumbling back a bit. He quickly regained his balance and turned over to the mansion..but it was gone, instead showing rubble in its place. Blood, rocks, the beautiful scenery around them now stinks of death and misery. This scene bugged Pluto, bad. He felt his heart skip beats, his breathing came out with heavy breaths that sometimes stopped completely before becoming a shaky exhale.

His hand slowly slid up his stomach to clench the soft fabric of his shirt, his slow and heavy breaths turning into quick panting as he stumbled backwards. While he fell however, he saw something, it was the woman from earlier, standing over the destroyed waste land and wiping the blood off her face.

This sight pissed Pluto off, knowing she was the cause of this. His fear replaced by anger, he screamed at the figure before hitting the ground with a thud. He was back in his village, everything was normal again. Pluto took deep breaths to regain his composure, his body tensed, his arms feeling like tv static as he struggled to stand back up. He felt sins nag at the back of his neck, their cold breath making his hairs stand up. Memories flashed in his mind..but why now? Why here? What did he do? What was happening?!


A Voice snapped Pluto out of his panic, causing him to tentatively turn his head to the side to catch a glimpse of the person who called out his name. Clearing his throat, he turned his entire body around and expertly placed a smile on his face.


“Mariposa isn't back from her mission yet..”

They informed Pluto to his annoyance. He rolled his eyes and groaned as he turned away from his informer. He crossed his arms and leaned all of his weight on his right leg.

“Of course she isn't. She always takes her time with things like this. What else?”

The informer paused for a bit, showing hesitation as he slowly reached into his pocket, pulling out a couple photos and extending his hand out. The sound of rustling caught Pluto’s attention, his eyes narrowing a bit. He turned back around and swiped the photos away from them.

“Alright alright, let's see what we got her- Holy shit-”

The photos in question were just mangled bodies, heads ripped off, crimson plastered on the trees around the bodies. But they just weren't any bodies..they were Pluto's people, his scouters. He noticed their patches, plums..apples..and then a dragon fruit. He didn't care about the apples. They were weak, it was inevitable. But..the dragon fruit and plums? Those were some of his best, torn through like paper. That brutality was only owned by one person, the thought of her treating these lives like this…typical of her.

“Its just Luna. She's coming over to us, most likely to tear my head off.. Get our best fighters and arm them well.”

“S-Sir…uh, it's not Luna..”

“I'm sorry... What was that?” Pluto responded with narrowed eyes.

The informer pointed at a figure inside of the picture. They seemed to be wearing a hospital gown, their eye were a gross mix of green and golden, making a weird brown. Pluto’s hands clenched tightly around the photos, immediately bringing them closer to his face. Golden eyes?! Theres no way! He tossed the photos to the side and grabbed the informer by the collar, lifting them off the ground as he got a bit..too close for comfort.

“How long have you had these pictures!?”

“S-Sir..please we just now go the-”

“I want you to get everyone. Weak, medium, strong, I don't give a damn! Gather everyone up and be prepared to kill if needed.”

Pluto tossed them backwards and gritted his teeth, his eyes showing fear behind his anger. Not wanting to argue with someone who could very easily kill them, The informer got up and ran out of the cabin, shouting at the villagers to gather their best weapons and be prepared to fight.

Meanwhile, Pluto was staring at the photos spread on the ground, taking note of the gown they were wearing. It was the same kid Luna was with..now it makes sense..so much sense! Ha! She's protecting that stupid brat! She thought it was gonna be normal until he came along. But no matter how much you shelter a bear, they'll still fall back to their instincts.

“..Finally found you…”

He crouched down and grabbed the photo, a blank expression on his face as he stared at the figure in the picture. His blank expression turned into a scowl as the photo suddenly began to burn up into nothing but ash.


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