Kabanata 32

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(Fun fact: statue is the soundtrack of my story. If I feel like losing my story I just need to listen and remember how I'm in love with this song and so my story.😌)


It was in this wonderful windows that I've been reading all morning. Together the time that I eat breakfast.

He wasn't happy  about what happened last few months.

The more security he made, the more furious he is. I asked him why he added more, he simply answered for my safety. He blamed himself that he didn't sleep well for weeks.

The Lee family claimed her as the traitors and promise to not to bother us again, but William didn't accept that. This is a war, a family war.

I still struggle to find my breath in the night after I woke from dreams. A dream that it wasn't me dead but him. For me it is like a semblance of something, Im afraid of.

I am happy at home. Preparing everything to cook for our dinner. I didn't go back to work, I take my infinity as I am very pregnant by now.

We are moving from the accident.

I often read books as my past time and I waited for him to come home. Vice versa, everyday.

Sometimes I spent my morning with him on his training session and at night he massage my feet to relax. It's been months and it was getting better.

My thoughts focus on him as he continues my cooking and let me sit on the chair. I don't bother glancing up from him as I take a bite to my pizza I made, knowing he prepare my milk  and will seat beside me after.

He checked up on me once as he peek  if I was fine.

Instead of milk he gave me an orange juice  and then i feel his eyes on me.

" It's not yet bedtime." He explain. I smile at him.

The deep fears in my heart that maybe cause of my night mares.  I did not have the courage to tell him for I can heal myself slowly.


Williams dads called a meeting while him didn't care to join, because he was worried about me, "Mom , i don't understand why the Lee family seems close to a family, end up like this." I ask, they lost a life  and they won't take it easy, for what reason it was started? They are very eager and vicious.

William sits on the footside of the bed. He didn't change the fact that his mom and Ana around with us, he Ignore the presence of them. He covered me with a blanket.
Ana Lin was on the couch. The four of us, this time she looked deep in thoughts which I was curious.

Sitting on the lampshade table with her legs cross and her two hands clasped. She is beautiful even she is at age. I've seen her modeling her own business, the emperor. I heard rumors of her being famous in her young days and I believe that through  her looks, that's possible. William is like a copy to his dad, he didn't get any semblance of her.

"Huang, Qianlong, Tang and Lee Family are friends since I don't know. I grow up knowing them. Lee Tung and Elizabeth are supposed to be married, but Eli chose Darius I, Williams grandfather. It was the beginning of the hatred they have, ignited with fire. When I heard they arranged a marriage for me, I rebelled and tricked Darius II to marry me instead since i had a crush on him." She stops and looks at me, her eyes shining reminiscing the past. "The Lee Family got angry at my disrespect. They said I was Insulent child and  insulted them, I defended myself I just wanted to choose the man that I like to be with.... And now they want William and Sarah to continue the fixed marriage they planned a long time ago. Sarah is intelligent child since she was young so I let them be friends with my son. Through the year's I've seen them growing but William never stare at her the way she look at you Grace. When Sarah came to me and begged me I told her to stop chasing my son, as a mother, I want William to marry for love and stop all the old ways of marriage. I don't hate our ancestors as they do the tradition but i want this generation to have a choice to choose a fixed marriage with their consent if they match and work then that's Buddha's blessings. Lieutenant Lee killed Darius I, for revenge on his father. I'm afraid that this wont stop. In my heart I want to end this war but i won't meddle to my son's life...I like you Grace for William. I rarely seen my son smiling but with you he was a different man and I want to see that man he is now." Her tears feel and her voice crack from crying.

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