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( can't stand it back handed they wanna see us
falling apart. )

                    FRIDAY NIGHT HAD FINALLY CAME. in a bundle of joyous squeals and brightened smiles, jade, zia and ada sat on the floor of ada caddel's bedroom. conversing on the possible date locations paige would bring the girl tonight.

           it was hard to narrow down considering paige hadn't revealed very much about their date. only that ada should dress semi-fancy. as in dresses, skirts etc. which paige actually classified for once. after countless messages from ada who had been stressing yet again over the fact that paige had been way to vague about the whole thing. not that she minded, ada liked the excitement of it all.

            ada jumped from the floor at the ding of her phone. she had basically anticipated the name paige to show up across her screen the entire night. checking countless times just in case. her smile widened as she read the, 'i'm on my way text'. she could feel the excitement course through her veins as it secreted sparks of pure joy. you could see in the bare way her eyes gleamed with a new glow she was happy.

          jade and zia let out a small grin at this. after seeing every side of ada, at her best and worst they had only ever seen her this happy when she was with them. not even with chase, ada caddel would jump in circles or flash those perfectly arrayed teeth in a fully fledged scream of enthusiasm. it was a refreshing sight to see, a sight they only saw when paige was mentioned.

            paige had ada's favourite flowers in hand---red roses. she remembered as if it was yesterday when she overheard caroline and ada talking about their favourite things whilst ada was interviewing the girl. mentally noting down the important information as if she already knew then that ada was going to be something more than just a friend. paige, unknowingly, had been waiting for the girl from the moment she saw her. whether it was intentional or not.

            the basketball player stood staring at the door waiting patiently for the certain someone she had been dying to see all day. so when she finally saw ada open the door, already greeting her with her usual warm smile. she couldn't help but smile too. as if it was infectious the way ada radiated such a bright energy into any room.

                 "roses? how did you know?" ada jested as paige handed her the bouquet. paige could only shrug, careful not give herself away.

                      "i have my ways." paige murmured, teething her bottom lip as she bit at it nervously.

         "stalking me now?" ada suggested playfully, carefully running the bouquet back to zia to place into a vase, rejoining paige into a much needed hug. letting paige's long arms interlink with her own as paige held her close to her chest. leaving their bodies lingering in this position for a few seconds before heading to the car.

          "ok no more secrets. where are we going?" ada questioned eagerly, turning to paige with a pleading look in her eyes. yet the girl wouldn't budge. shaking her head in response as she kept her eyes on the road.

            "you'll see when we get there." paige said simply, rolling down the windows. she knew on a cold night like this ada liked to feel the breeze. even if it was the coldest night of the year ada caddel would push through the winds just to look out the window and people watch from inside the car. finding enjoyment in speeding past the buildings. watching the neon saturations of club signs and restaurants raced past her watchful eyes.

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