Avengers X OC : A Typical Morning

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A/N: Yes Pietro is alive here as well as in other stuff I will be writing in the future. This is slightly Steve X OC X Pietro. No relationship. If you guys want me to continue with this part, let me know.

Reya was always an early riser. She would always wake up before dawn, grab her blanket, watch the sunrise over the Big Apple and make breakfast for all the Avengers. Every day was always different and delicious according to all of them. Then, in case Tony and Bruce were still hard at work in the lab, she would take them down their food.

Today was no different. She was hard at work on making her famous cinnamon pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon on the side. Seeing how Thor just arrived last night, she knew she had to make even more than usual. So Reya started a bit earlier, working like the wind. Using her mutant powers (She was gifted with the mind, being a telepath and telekinetic yet have power of electricity), it took a lot of concentration to move everything with both her mind and her hands, doing stuff herself as well. By the time the first person who usually woke up first, Mireya was half way done.

Steve was always the first to wake up. He woke up around the same time as her to have his morning jog through the city. So when he came out the elevator, he was a bit sweaty and wearing a tight grey t shirt and her black sweatpants. He walked over to the really long marble counter and grab the cup of coffee Reya gave him. "Thanks, Reya. You know you don't have to do this for us everyday "

"It's not a big deal honestly," She said as she popped the twelfth box of poptarts into the toaster. "I like cooking. Plus who else is going to do it? You, Nat, and Clint usually leave for training and missions in the morning. Wanda is busy teaching Vision about humanity. He doesn't know how to do this. Tony, Jane, and Bruce are always busy in the lab on their latest invention and often do all nighters. Pepper has a company to run while Pietro, Falcon and Rhodey wake up whenever they feel like it." She finished, flicking her hands to the four pans to flip the the pancakes on the other side.

Steve looked at her, knowing she has a slight point. She was always so thoughtful of others. He rubbed his neck nervously. "But I can help you out next time if you need the help."

She smiled at him while taking out the bacon. "That's sweet of you. I just might take you up on that offer."

Then Pepper, Wanda, and Vision came into the room. They all groaned at the heavenly smell. The redhead smiled as a plate and cup of coffee floated to her. "Reya this looks amazing."

"Indeed," Vision agreed with her. "What did you make on this delightful morning?"

"Cinnamon pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon."

As they all said their thanks and started eating, they moaned loudly, causing the two assassins smile as they took their place at the counter. "Bewitching people to your cooking again, Reya?"

The raven haired woman blushed slightly. "I wouldn't say that exactly."

As soon as Clint grabbed his plate full of food, a streak of silver and blue flew by, taking Hawkeye's food and coffee. Then Pietro casually started to eat the food at the counter with a glare from the man. He smirked in response. "What didn't see that coming?"

Mireya rolled her eyes. "Pietro."

He turned to her with a smile. "Da, draga moja ? (Yes my darling?)"

"I already had a plate for you. You didn't have steal Clint's."

"Ah but where is the fun in that?" He said with his amazing accent. "Either way, I get to taste the marvelous creation you made with your lovely hands." He winked at her, causing her to blush and giggle.

Steve nearly broke his fork at the speedster's flirting. Luckily, Wanda fixed it for him before the young girl noticed. Then, a booming voice nearly shouted, "WHAT IS THAT DELICIOUS SMELL?"

Mireya giggled at the sight of Thor carrying Jane over his shoulder, making her guess he dragged her to come to breakfast. She immediately grabbed the gigantic pillar of pancakes that was even taller than her that had a large side of bacon and eggs, used her magic to grab the equally tall pile of poptarts and the huge cup of black coffee. "Thor please drop Jane to the ground and eat your food. I'll make sure she eats."

Everyone marveled at the sight before them. Even Rhodey and Sam who just woke up and came out of the elevator were shocked the amount of food she made for the god of thunder. He dropped his girlfriend and literally dug into his food. As she passed the plate to the scientist, Pepper, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, and Vision all thanked her again before leaving. Lopez grabbed two of the four plates of food that were in the oven and used her mental abilities to give the newly awoken men. "Enjoy guys. I'll be right back."

Grabbing the last of the food in the oven and two big cups of the strongest coffee/decaf tea she could find, she ran into the elevator and hit the button down into the labs. Reaching her destination, she stepped out to see the two older men hard at work and look like they about to go to faint. She knocked on the glass door before entering, saying, "Stop your work and eat your breakfast."

Normally, when someone tells them to stop, they ignore them and kept on doing it, but not with Reya. The first time she did breakfast she was so angry that they were not heeding her words she turned off Jarvis and shut down all the power in the lab so they would eat. She hated seeing themselves wear themselves out. They were at first demanding her to turn back on but seeing how her hands were spiking with lighting ready to hit them, they backed down and ate their food willingly. Everyone were both shocked and applauded her for doing such, knowing both men's health was more important than a scientific breakthrough.

Bruce was the first to stop and walked over to the glass table. He grabbed the cup of tea and said with a small smile, "Thanks for the breakfast, Mireya. It looks great."

She placed both plates on the table. "It's no problem, Bruce. And don't worry it's decaf. Just how you like it." The she looked over at Tony who was still in his work. "Tony get your butt over here. Your work will still be there when you're done."

He groaned as he walked over to the table where Bruce was eating already. "Yes, Mom." He sat down and began eating.

As she was leaving, she said them as she walked towards the elevator, "Don't forget to take a nap after you eat. We don't want a repeat of last time."

Mireya winked at them at their horrified faces as the doors closed. When she went back to the kitchen, she saw all the plates and pans were already clean. She saw a note near the sink and read it, "You don't have to do everything. I'm always willing to help. Thanks for the breakfast. Signed, Steve."

She blushed at the thought of kind hearted soldier.

Just a typical Avengers morning at Stark Tower.

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