Sam X Reader: Try To Keep Up

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A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first ever one-shot featuring the one and only Falcon, Sam Wilson. I hope you all enjoy.


You looked into your watch once more, biting your bottom lip nervously.

The thing is for the last couple of weeks you have been running into (both literally and figuratively) this handsome stranger during your morning runs. It had simply been a way so you can continue doing your New Year's resolution to be healthier. Then one day he had appeared with his very tall friend.

Flashback #1

Listening to your music, you were jogging in the park that was near your house. It was very beautiful out with the sun slowly rising and the peace of the morning. Ever since you started working out, you have been feeling so good and more confident with your body. Honestly you felt that you could run circles around anybody.

While you were taking a small break, you stopped drinking your water and noticed these two men trying to run past one another. A competition on who was truly the fastest. You rolled your eyes and muttered under breath, "Men."

Soon you started running again. In the midst of your tranquil run, you were suddenly knocked down by a man. You were never so glad that there was grass on the ground. 

"Frick! I am so sorry," The man who had knocked you down said. "I wasn't looking where I was going. You see I was-"

You stood on your own, ignoring his hand. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I can handle a little pain."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah I am but I doubt you will be if you don't catch up to your friend soon," Your head nodded in east direction. "He's already like four miles ahead of you while we have been having this conversation."

The man exclaimed. "Crap!" 

As he was running to catch up with his blond friend, he turned around back towards you and yelled with a slight smirk. "I'll see you around."

You returned it with your own and a wave. 

As you resumed your jog, you cannot help but smile at the thought of seeing the competitive racer again.

Flashback #2

It was a week later when you would see him again, but this time he was alone in his jog. You smirked and ran right past him, saying "Try to keep up, handsome!"

At first he was really confused, but then he saw you turn around quickly, running backwards to look at him with a smile and wink. You ran to half way sprint, saving some your energy later.

 It was a bit later when he caught up with you and ran pass you saying, "My name is Sam!"

Soon you caught up with him again, going faster. You yelled back, "Then try to keep up, Sam!"

This was the beginning of a fun and competitive friendship. 


This has been going on for over two months now. 

You two would race one another every morning before dawn and try to answer the age old question....who was better: guys or girls? You had to represent for your gender and prove to that handsome funny veteran/Avenger that girls are far more superior than boys. 

There were times when Steve would join you two which made it even more fun. Well....more fun for you and Steve. The both of you would give each other the signal to pass Sam at the exact same time calling out your trademark phrases, which of course would cause him to get "mad" and "upset". 

Outside of your daily morning races, you would join both men back to their place in Stark Tower and hang out there for a good portion of the day. You spent so much time there that you had some clothes in both men's closets in case you wanted to sleep over. 

During all of this, you were slowly but steadily falling for Sam. He is such a funny, sweet, kind, strong man that you could not help but fall for the man. The problem was that you did not know whether if he felt the same way as you. Men can be so confusing and weird.

It was just another morning. You usually waited for Sam before you two would start racing each other, but he was an half-hour late. He would text you and let you know if he couldn't make it or had a mission in which caused his absence. You sighed with a hint of sadness and began to jogging without your running partner.

The sunrise had already come up when you decided to finish. As you were taking off your headphones, someone had crashed into you which landed you on your back. Your (y/e/c) eyes glared but then soften slightly when you saw who it was. "Really, Sam? Really?"

He was trying to look innocent but failing. "What are you talking about?" He asked as he helped you up on your feet. 

"Well you did not have to repeat our first meeting again just so you can have so fun with me." You replied as you took his hand this time to get up. "Where were you this morning? Catching up some beauty sleep?"

Sam was shifting his feet a bit. "As you know, today is Valentine's Day and I had forgot to set up everything for this date I had planned for my girl."

Actually you had forgotten that today was Single Awareness Day. Honestly you did not think much about the day since you really never celebrated the holiday. Plus you were trying not to get yourself too upset about the idea of Sam spending the day with a different girl.

You feigned curiosity. "Oh? What are these amazing plans?"

"Well I knew how she was never celebrated today or thought much about it. So I found some recipes and her favorite movies so we can have a nice night in at the Tower. Then I set up this one last surprise for her since she has this fascination with the night sky." He explained to you.

You were trying so hard not to get upset at this news. That sounded like your ideal night with the guy you always wanted to be with and yet some other girl will have both. 

"That sounds so nice. I'm sure she is going to love it." You said nonchalantly.    

"So will you?" Sam asked you with a bit of nervousness. 

Your eyebrow raised with question. "What?"

"Try to keep up, (Y/N)," He said in a joking manner. "I am asking you if you would like to join me tonight?"

Your eyes widened considerably. Were you hearing this right? Did Sam, the guy you have been interested in for the last couple of months, not only expressed interest in you, but asked you to be his Valentine?

A smile came upon your face. "Yes Sam I would love to be your date tonight."

Such happiness came upon you two as you embraced one another. Your face was very close to Sam. As you both were leaning in, you had whispered. "Try to keep up."

Suddenly you ran off with a huge smile on your face. 

Sam was able to catch you from behind, wrapping his arms around you. You turned your head and you were met with a blissful soft kiss. 

This was only the beginning of an amazing race that you cannot wait to see. 

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