Pietro X Reader: Afraid

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A/N: Hey everyone!!! First off, WHHHHHAAAATTTTTTT?!?!?!? Over 5k view! That is awesome. No only that but over 250 votes! Woot! *Insert me doing a victory lap*

Thank you guys so much! You have no idea how much this means to me. Keep sending me requests, preferably Christmas themed prompts and ideas.

I do have some requests up my sleeve, but I have been struggling lately with something personal. It's just so frustrating I cannot even handle it. The only way to get rid of these issues for me is through writing. So you guys will get a glimpse into my life.

Also I have noticed that though I have claimed that I love Pietro, I have not done more one-shots including my favorite speedster. He is so handsome and such a charmer. Ugh I can't even handle it.

Enjoy everyone!


Do you ever worry that you will ruin everything? That by your actions can ruin and destroy the best things that has ever happened to you? Well, that is how you are feeling at this present moment.

Since you have saved him from those bullets in Sokovia with your powers, you have become close friends with the Maximoff twins. You and Wanda got along famously. With both of your strange powers (yours being over telekinesis, force fields, and matter), you both had found a kindred spirit in one another. Over time, she soon became like a sister to you.

As for Pietro, everything started out fine. After the battle, he followed you everywhere and kept making conversation with you. You assumed he wanted to be friends with you so you decided what was the harm. You two got every close. He brought out a side of you that you had often hide while you calmed and slowed him a bit. It was great friendship filled with laughter and comfort.

Though you had tried to deny it from the moment you laid eyes on him, your feelings for the Pietro grew over time to something really strong. You have ignored it and denied it as much as you could. You had an amazing friendship with him and you did not want to lose him because of your stupid feelings. You had been in this position before and it only caused trouble. From then on, you always used your mind to control your heart.

It also didn't help that Pietro was always interested in some other girl. Surprisingly, he had a serious girlfriend for over two years in secret so she would not be in danger. Only you and Wanda knew about her. Then you woke up in the middle of night by his bursting into your room that his so-called girlfriend was never serious about their relationship and was only using him. You had never seen Pietro cried before. This made your heart break.

You comforted him throughout the rest of the night and the next following weeks. Man if you ever saw that girl, you would blow up in her face for using your best friend like that. Wanda had actually went into his mind and found where she lived and did it for both of you. Let's just say that the girl was never the same after that.

Soon, Pietro was back to his normal self thankfully. It was as if that breakup brought you two closer than ever. He could always count on you and vice versa. Your feelings had grown considerably during this period and it was harder for you to hold them in. Wanda knew of your feelings towards her brother and was in support of it, knowing you can calm him down and bring out a side of him that she has not seen in a while. You wanted to be in a relationship with him, but you were not sure if either of you were ready.

Well seems like Speedy was seeing how he was attempting to get another relationship with different girls. You would never understand how guys could break up with a girl and after three months can go back out there. He told you he missed and wanted to be in a relationship, which really made your insides go crazy. You simply replied, "Patience, Pietro. I am sure you'll find the right girl that can catch up with you."

Thus bringing you to this moment.

It was Christmas time at Stark Tower. You and the others were decorating the Tower while listening/singing to Christmas classics. You were talking with your friend (Y/friends/n) who was also an agent working the Avengers when suddenly a blue and white blur came pass you. Pietro was in the other side of the room, carrying your friend in a bridal style. Both of which were laughing their heads off. You sighed and went back to the tree, putting more ornaments on the tree.

Technically, you should not be surprised. Pietro has always liked your friend even when he was in a serious relationship with she who must not be named. She was practically perfect in every way. Though she was still trying to get used his antics, she was truly prefect for him.

You felt Wanda in your mind and said quietly, "Get out of my head."

Wanda was next to you, putting on another decoration. She whispered, "I still think you should talk to him. Who knows maybe he has feelings for you too."

You raised your eyebrow at her. "You read his mind again?"

She shook his head. "No. He has found a way to shield himself from me. Plus he made me promise not to do that again after the incident. I am just saying you should try something."

"No I can't. I have lost so many people and I cannot afford to-"

"Afford to what?" Pietro was suddenly next to you two.

Thankfully you were a good actress. You smoothly lied, "I can't afford to pay to buy the gift I wanted to for my Secret Santa. So I have to go to plan B."

Though you were good, Pietro knew you well enough to know when you were hiding something. He raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "(Y/N)..."

You blinked and smiled innocently. "Yes, Speedy Gonzales?"

He mockingly glared at you. "You know I don't like being called that crazy hyper rat."

"It is true. You are crazy and you are hyper."

"What? I am not a rat. Do I look like a rat?" He asked rhetorically.

You simply smirked at him, telling him you think he did jokingly of course.

Pietro smirked back. "Oh it is so on."

He was charging at you when he got hit with your force field. You and Wanda bursted out laughing as he yelled at you, "Hey no force field!"

You smiled at him. "You started it!" You contained him in the force field shell as you ran away giving you a good head start.

You were happy the way things were, but part of you wanted to take that next step. You were afraid that he would not feel the same way, ruin your awesome friendship, and thus grow apart. That was your greatest fear.

Once you reached the lab, you ran over to Bruce. He looked up from his work and started asking, "(Y/N) what are you doing here?"

You were trying to hide behind him under his desk. "Shh...keep quiet. I don't-"

Pietro caught you in his arms. "Gotcha."

"Dang it!" You said loudly, causing both men to laugh.

Most people would agree you that you were afraid of what would happen, but you were content with how things were. You did not want things to change, especially for the worse.


A/N: Yeah this is very similar to what is going on with my life with a few minor changes of course for entertainment purposes. Man it feels so good to let it all out. I can always count on writing to make me feel slightly better.

Hope you guys liked it!

You all know the drill.

Fairfarren my dears :)

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