Clint X Reader: Finally Home Requested By @Mistress_of_Chaos

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A/N: Hello my dearies!! I hope you all had a marvelous Christmas with your loved ones. 

Although Christmas is officially over, I had gotten a request on Christmas Eve from one of my favorite followers/readers Mistress_of_Chaos to do a Clint Christmas one-shot. All she wanted it to be is cheesy so I have complete freedom. Thankfully, I had a brainstorm as I was going to sleep last night. 

I hope you all like what I do here. Enjoy!!!


It was Christmas morning and still nothing.

You have been waiting for your boyfriend of eight months to come back home. He had a last minute mission with Agent Avatar (A/N: If you don't know who that is, you have to look back at my older one-shots) that was supposed to be very simple and easy. You still remember the day he was leaving for it.


You watched him as he was packing a small duffel bag. Though you understood why he left and what he had done with the other Avengers was great, you cannot help but miss him every time he went away. Sometimes it was for a few days but there were also many times where it was good couple of months. 

You asked him, "How long are you going to be gone for?"

Clint went over to you and wrapped his arms around you. "I'm only going to be gone for a few days, one week at the most. Sarai and I are just going to scope out a former Hydra base and check for any signs of life."

You sighed into his embrace. "As long as you are home for Christmas, then I'll be fine."

He kissed your forehead in sweet manner. "Don't worry sweetheart. I will be coming back home to you in no time."

You two stayed in that embrace for a good amount of time. Clint tightened his arms around you, breathing in you a few more times. The separation was not only harsh for you. 

Clint had never met anyone like you. You were beautiful inside and out. Your intelligence and sweetness in character drew him to you like a bee to honey. You were always there for him despite his missions and horrible jokes. You brought out a side of him that not many people can say they have seen. Even Natasha admitted that you were possibly the best thing that has ever happened to the archer. 

You muttered. "I love you."

He lifted your chin and kissed you. "I love you too, (Y/N)."

A knock on the door interrupted your special moment. 

A sad Sarai peaked through the door. "Hey guys. I am sorry for this, but we have to get going. Ready Clint?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I am. I will meet you at the Quinjet in a bit, okay?"

Sarai came in quickly and gave you a hug, saying goodbye and promised that Loki will look after you while they are gone. Once she was gone, Clint grabbed his bag and gave you one last passionate kiss. "Take care of yourself while I'm gone."

You nodded with sad eyes. 

Once he left through the door, you blinked away your tears threatening to come out. At last it was only for a few days. 


That was three weeks ago and he still has not have come back home. Come back to you.

Surprisingly, Loki has always been there for you while both of your beloveds were gone and off the grid. He had tried to distract the both of you with literature, games, television, magic tricks and all sorts of things. Most of the time though you both talked about your significant others. 

Of course, you went to worst case scenario. Clint and Sarai was supposed on a simple mission, but it had turned into something dangerous when the enemy happened to still be there and attacked the two agents. That's all Loki could get out of Fury.

It was sad to wake up on Christmas morning without him. You pushed through and went into the elevator to meet the others down in the lounge to have breakfast and exchange gifts. You put on your brave facade and stepped out to meet the other team members. 

It was a rather pleasant and joyous time with the team. Though everyone can feel the shift in the air that it was not the same without their favorite team members, they all pushed through like you did and tried to celebrate a bit. Natasha was right in saying that Sarai and Clint wouldn't want them to grieve on this day and want them to be together as a family. 

As gifts were being passed out, you had noticed you had two gifts from Clint. You opened the first one and you were touched. Your heart swelled at the thought of your boyfriend's consideration. It was a jar filled with 365 little notes. Each note either spoke of why he loved you, a memory together, encouragement, and comforting words. You cried a bit at the thought he had put into that gift. 

Excusing yourself, you went back to your floor. On the jar was a card from Clint. After cleaning yourself of your tears, you opened it and began to read it.

Dear (Y/N),

If you are reading this note, then Nat has done her job. I had told her if something had happened in which I cannot come back by Christmas to give you my gifts to you along with this card. 

I know I had promised to come back to you soon, but it would seem that something had happened in which caused me to be away from you longer. Remember sweetheart I always keep my promises. I will come back to you. I will try with every fiber of my being to do so. You are my everything. Without you, I have nothing. 

You are my home. You are the reason why I fight. The reason why I am the man I am today. I love you, (Y/N). I will always come back for you. Though I may not be there now, you are always in my heart and I know the same is true for you too. 

See you soon my dearest.



Tears were falling down your eyes again as you finished the letter. That was possibly the sweetest and most heartfelt thing you had ever read in all of your life. 

Wiping your tears once more, you opened the next gift which caused you gasped. It was the most beautiful necklace you had ever seen. It was so Clint too which made you love it more. (A/N: The necklace in the image above) You had put it on with a bright yet sad smile. Soon weariness fell upon you causing you to sleep on your bed.

The next day...

All the sudden, you had woken up. Great you fell asleep through the rest of the day and completely missed the rest of Christmas. You were about to go back to the lounge to apologize to the team when you saw someone walked into your apartment. 

It was a weary tired bruised Clint Barton. Once he had saw you, he immediately dropped his bag and went over to you. You ran to meet him half way and hugged him so tight you were afraid that he would leave again. He returned your hug with the same amount of urgency. He whispered into your ear, "I am so sorry, (Y/N). Sorry I missed Christmas."

You looked up at him with a smile. "You kept your promise still. You came back home."

Clint smiled back at you with slight teary eyes. "Yes I came back to you like I said."

Giving you one breathtaking passionate kiss, you knew from that moment on you both would always be at home as long as you had one another. 


A/N: Okay if this was not cheesy and heartfelt, then I failed at this one-shot.

I hope you all enjoyed this delightful one-shot.

Please comment, vote, request and message me. I would love to hear from all of you.

Fairfarren, my dears!!!

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