Tony X Reader X Steve: THAT IS IT! Alternative Ending 2

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When we last left you, you had left the Avengers along with the men who were fighting over you. You had already found your own place and everything. You were relaxing at home when you heard a knock at your door.

You opened your door. Once you saw who it was, you crossed your arms and demanded, "What are you doing here?"

Rhodey raised his hands in the universal symbol of peace and surrender. "Whoa, calm down (Y/N). I come in peace. Can I come in?"

You sighed. "Rhodey I am sorry. I guess I am still a bit upset about what had happened. Please come in." You stepped aside to let your friend in.

As one of the newest Avengers, you and James got along famously. You both would team up together to get on Tony's nerves and share embarrassing stories on the billionaire with one another.

You sat down on the couch with him. "So how did you find me?"

"Well, technically I did not find you. Tony did."

Hearing his name still made you feel conflicted. One hand you were mad at him for hurting one of your closest friends, but on the other hand you were still in love with that idiot. Yes you love Tony. Always had since you were children together. That will never change. What you had felt for Steve was pure companionship. Nothing more nothing less.

You tensed up. "Did he send you to convince me to go back to the Tower?"

James shook his head. "No, he does not even know I am here. He located you a few days and kept an eye on you every once in a while, to make sure you are okay. Steve saw this and told me to talk to you as well as give you this letter from him."

In his hands was a neatly addressed letter which clearly screamed of the old fashioned man.

You quickly took and opened it.

Dear (Y/N),

First off, I want to say that I am so sorry about what had transpired between me and Tony. We had never meant it to escalate it that far. It is just...I love you and only wanted what was best for you. I was worried that you were only going to be one of Tony's conquests and be brokenhearted when he tossed you aside like all the others. I was trying to protect you, but by that look on your face I had hurt you more than any action I could with my shield.

Second, I would want you to know that we resolved our issues. Tony and I sat down and had a good talk. We were able to talk out all out of our issues and concerns. (Y/N) you have to know that in that conversation that Tony was in so much pain. He had not slept in days, been drinking endlessly more so than usual. He is a complete mess without you. I realized in that instance that he loves you far more than I could ever love you.

Lastly, I hope you may not only forgive the both of us, but that you will come back and give Tony another chance. Do not be concerned on my part. I am indebted to you (Y/N). I had thought it was impossible to love another since Peggy, but you showed me that it was possible. I hope one day I will find another woman like you. I wish you and Tony all the best.

Hope to see you one day soon.

Sincerely yours,

Steven Grant Rogers

Closing the letter, you wiped your tears as you closed the letter. You said, "That man sure have a way with words."

Rhodey nodded his head. "(Y/N) I do not know what Steve said in that letter, but you need to come back. Tony is not the same anymore. All he does is stay in his room and drink. He has not even tried to distract himself with his suits. You have to do something."

In that moment, you knew what you had to do.


A few hours later:

You went up to Tony's floor and commanded EMILY, "Em, let me in. Tony wants to see me."

She responded. "Of course and welcome back, Miss (Y/L/N)."

You opened his door and saw that his whole floor was dark and was beginning to be collect dust.

Once you had opened his bedroom door, your heart broke at the sight. You had never seen Tony this distraught before. He had bags under bags underneath his eyes. He was losing so much weight. His facial hair was growing longer. Steve was not joking when he said Tony was a mess.

You immediately ran over to the crying man and hugged close to you. You said soothingly, "Tony it's me. Please do not cry. Please. You are forgiven okay? I forgive you."

He looked up at you and whimpered. "(Y/N) is that really you?"

You smiled at him. "Yes it is me. I am here. I am never going to leave you again. I love you too much to see you like this."

His sad eyes widened at your words. "Do you really mean that?"

You cradled his face. "Tony I have always and will always love you."

You kissed him deeply in which he responded right away. Despite his fatigue, he could still give the best kisses. All this pent up feelings over the years had finally been released into that kiss. You put all of heart into that one meaningful kiss.

You broke off the kiss breathing heavily. Tony smirked at you, but then yawned big and wide. You giggled as you led him to his bed. "Come on, mister. You need to get some sleep."

He went under the covers with you, pulling you really close to him. Kissing you one more time, he whispered, "I love you (Nickname)."

You whispered back. "I love you too, Tony."

You both fell asleep in each other's arms with soft big smiles on your faces.


A/N: Okay that is done! I hope that you all liked what I have done here.

I am going to take a little break since I have to help my family prep for tomorrow. We have yet to get all the stuff we need for Thanksgiving. On top of all of that, my sister's birthday is also tomorrow and I have not gotten her gift. I am such a slacker! :-P

Lol I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Remember be thankful for the big things, but also be thankful for all the little things you do not really think about much. Have a good time with your friends and families.

I know I am thankful for all you who have blessed me with your responses towards my writings. You guys really are the best. Thanks for reading.

Fairfarren my dears :)

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