Bruce X Reader: Give It A Chance (Sequel to Friends)

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Bruce was busy working on his latest project, trying to keep his mind off of (Y/N). While they have agreed on being just friends, he knew that she wanted to be much more. Heck, a part of him wanted to be you to his, but the rational part of him always reminded him of the dangers of being in a relationship with anyone.

His thoughts got interrupted when Natasha walked into the lab. Her gaze was fixed on him. The gamma radiation genius was beginning to get nervous. He never really got to talk to the red head since he got back. In fact, he had hoped she would have let go of the idea of them two being together and found her own happiness in someone else. Suddenly he realized she was right in front of him.

Nat already started before he tried to get rid of her. "Bruce, first off I want you to know I forgive you for what you did and hope that you and I can still be friends."

Banner sighed in relief. "Yes, Natasha I would like that very much."

"Good. Then as your friend, I am going to tell you as it is. You are an idiot."

He raised his eyebrows in confusion. "For what exactly?"

She gave him the look. "For letting (Y/N) go. I know how you feel about her and vice versa. Everyone knows that there is something special between the two of you. Why do you think no one in this facility has asked out (Y/N) on a date? Why I have been giving you two your space?"

Thinking back, Bruce remembered multiple times how none of the male agents never talked to you whenever he was around. How many times Natasha had the chance to talk to him about what had happened between the two of them.

"You should not let your fears get the better of you," The red-haired assassin continued with a somewhat softer look. "Have you ever thought that (Y/N) just wants to be with you? She doesn't care about having a normal life; she cares about you!"

He groaned in his hands. What Natasha was saying was true. "What should I do? I messed up."

She smirked. "Well I have an idea."


A few days later

You were so glad you were able to see your family and get away from the Avengers stuff for a bit. Your little cousins were beyond adorable and always wanted to be with you. From braiding their hair like Rapunzel's from Tangled to teaching them how to dance, they followed you like you were Mother Goose and they were your ducklings. Your (sister/brother/cousin) was so happy that you were able to come as well as the others. Your mother was already playing matchmaker, but thankfully your father has been helping you escape her grasp.

Though you were surrounded with friends and family, you couldn't help but think about a certain man who was probably in the lab. You tried to be strong and not let your heart get the better of you, but you knew that more than anything you wanted to be with Bruce. You didn't care about marriage, kids, normalcy, SHIELD, or anything; all you ever wanted was someone like Bruce. And you had let him slip from your fingers. You didn't even bother fighting for him.

You sighed your worries away. You had to focus. You had to make sure your performance was perfect for your (sister/brother/cousin)'s first dance as well as now all the songs they wanted you to sing. They also wanted guests to submit what songs they wanted to here. This should be interesting.

Skip to the reception

You soothed your (favorite color) (favorite dress) as you saw all the guests getting into their seats. You had just finished introducing the bridal party including the newly married couple. You looked to your fellow family members who were in the band with you and gave you the signal. You took a breath and stepped into the mic. "And now, our bride and groom will have their first dance as husband and wife."

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