Vision X Reader: Lessons

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Somehow the Avengers convinced you into teaching Vision, the newborn android, about humanity. At first, you thought Tony, his creator/father, should be the one to do it, but after thinking about it for less than ten seconds, you realized how bad that idea sounded. You had no idea what to teach him. There were so many things about humanity, life and culture that he had to learn. You literally screamed in frustration into your pillow, having no clear direction.

In the end, you decided that Vision should be the one deciding on what he wants to learn. You would answer any questions he would have and then do a different activity at nighttime.

Their lessons were great. Vision would ask the most amazing questions and bring up excellent points in your conversations. These discussions were so lively that you two didn't want to stop them. Though at times the questions were hard, you two would discuss it and come up with a conclusion you agreed with.

The activities were just as fun. You introduced to the best of what the American culture had. From trying different cuisines from foreign countries (he loved Italian the best) to taking him to the mall, you two enjoyed every minute of it. It was during watching Wicked on Broadway that you realized that you actually had feelings for Vision.

You were completely surprised by this in the sense that out of all the men in the world you had to fall for the one who wasn't even a man. After talking to Bruce (couldn't talk to Tony about it; he would have had a field day with you), Vision was technically both robot and human in many complicated ways that just gave you a headache. It wasn't hard to fall for him. He was a such a gentleman, a great conversationalist, considerate, kind, had great morals (thanks to the gem), and was fun to be around. Though you had strong feelings towards him, you decided to keep it to yourself and focus on being friends with him.

Little did you know Vision was having complications. At first, it was a simple friendship. He truly enjoyed your company and appreciated you for answering his questions about the world around him. The android was enjoying the night adventures with you as well. He assumed that all he felt towards you was a genuine friendship, but after a while it didn't feel the same anymore.

Every time he saw you, whatever room he was in, it became instantly brighter than it was previously. When you smile, his heart made this strange and pleasant feeling in him especially when he is the cause of the action. Sitting so close to him made his heart speed up rapidly like it did when he was on a dangerous mission. All these strange stirrings confused him greatly, making him unsure of how to act around you.

It was simple another lesson day. Vision knocked on your door and heard you scream, "Come in! It's open!"

He walked in and saw you on the couch, looking comfy in your pajamas as you read your book. Your (y/e/c) eyes looked up at his and smiled at him, causing that feeling in him again. "Hey Vision," you said, putting your book on the coffee table and sat up straight. "Got your questions?"

He nodded. "Yes I have a few things that have been troubling me for quite some time."

Your eyebrow raised. "Why haven't you mentioned it before? I could have helped you."

He sighed as he sat down beside her. "Well I did not know how to describe it or know what was happening. I wasn't sure how to approach this with you."

"So what is it?"

"What is love?"

You immediately froze up at that question. How were you supposed to answer one of life's enduring questions? "Is it that what has been troubling you? How did this come up? You saw a couple or something?"

He started paying attention to his feet. "Well I guess I can say that. Well I have had this feeling for a while that I couldn't quite place. You know I have been trying to adjust to my emotions?" You nodded your head. You remember your explanation of emotions the other day. "Well a new feeling has appeared. Then I heard Tony and Pepper saying they love one another. It is making think perhaps this new feeling may be called that, but I don't know what it or is it correct."

You took a breath, knowing your answer might not be the one he wanted to hear. "Well...that's kind of hard to answer, Vision. Love is one of those concepts that everyone has a different definition for."

"May I hear your definition?" He asked politely.

"Love for me...the romantic unconditional. It is feeling complete when that person is near or with you. Without them around, you feel like you lost the most important piece of you. It is accepting a person for all they are, both the good and bad. Your heart flutters at the thought of them. Your day becomes brighter because of them and grows darker without them. The quirks they do are something that brings you joy, no matter how small they are. Their happiness and safety is of the utmost importance to you.  You want, no crave to take care of them in every possible way. They are always there for you even in your darkest hour. You become the better of yourself because their presence in your life...." You trail off from your soft spoken rant, realizing how your definition fitted perfectly to what you feel for Vision.

As you spoke about what love was in your eyes, Vision was trying to see if what you were saying matched with what he felt towards you. And it did! He was in love with you. The only problem now is whether you felt the same way. He could hear by the sound of your voice that you spoke from experience. He was unsure of whether it was present or of the past. He asked softly, "Are you in love with someone, (Y/N)?"

You looked at him and nodded your head slowly. "Yes, it appears I am."

His robotic heart broke the sound of your confession. He kept a neutral tone. "Well...I am happy for you. If you excuse me..."

"Vision, are you in love with someone?"

That stopped him. He could not lie to you. "Yes I am."

The both of you were dying on the inside at the thought of the one you loved in love with another. Then suddenly, a loud voice shouted, "JUST ADMIT TO EACH OTHER ALREADY!"

You two recoginzed that voice. "Tony?!?!?" You shouted back. "What have I told you about spying on other people?"

"Well excuse me for caring about my 'son'. I overheard your little conversation with Brucey and I know from my boy that he has feelings for you too. So just tell each other already and kiss the night away." Tony's voice broke off as Pepper's voice came through, telling him to stop.

Vision looks at you and stepped towards you, cupping your cheek. His thumb strokes your cheek as he asked softly, "Do you love me as I have loved you, my dear (Y/N)?"

You move closer to him. "Yes I am in love with you, Vision."

Slowly, but gradually you two moved closer and closer together until your lips touched.

The whole moment was beautiful until Tony started playing "Can You Feel The Love Tonight?".


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