Bucky X Reader: How You Get The Girl Requested By @CodeViolet

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A/N: If you are wondering why I have done two one-shots in a row, you can thank the awesome power that is Spring Break. I will try to write more during the week so hit me up if you got something.

This request was made by CodeViolet who wanted to an imagine with our favorite Sergeant before he had become the Winter Solider. Sorry it's freakishly late. I hope you can forgive me.

Enjoy everybody!


He did not know what he was doing wrong. Usually his charm worked on all of the ladies, but for some reason it did not work on you whatsoever.

It was understandable considering you were unlike any girl he had met before. You did not care about all of the soldiers that was going off to work or getting a boyfriend. You loved helping out the volunteer centers and reading the classic literature. You enjoyed working as a waitress at the nearby diner. You were so down to earth, kind and compassionate.

The only reason he knew all of this was because he had met you in a double date. He was going a date with Ellie but asked if she had a friend for Steve. It was you. You were far more beautiful than Ellie in Bucky's eyes but never said anything.

You not only acknowledged his tiny friend, but actually got along with Steve. You two kept laughing and telling each other stories. At the end of the date you had asked Steve if you two could do it another time. As you left, you kissed Steve on the cheek.

It was possibly the best date Steve had ever been on, which made Bucky feel bad since he could not take his eyes off you the whole time. He actually was jealous of his friend for a good majority of the time. He wanted to be the one to make you laugh, make you smile that beautiful smile, to feel your lips on his cheek.

A few weeks passed, he could not get you off his mind. Your presence in the apartment made it worse as you and Steve hanged out there at times. After another date, you two had not felt a spark so you agreed to be friends much to Bucky's delight.

After approval from his best friend, he had tried to make his move but nothing had worked.

First attempt:

"Hey (Y/N/N)! Fancy seeing you here, doll." Bucky exclaimed as he reached to you in the marketplace.

You smiled kindly as you put fruit into your basket. "Nice to see you too Bucky. How have you been?"

"I'm good. I could be better if we went to grab a bite to eat."

"Thanks but no thanks."

"Great I'll- Wait what did you say?"

"Sorry Buck I have to go. I have to make dinner tonight." You replied. "But hey maybe next time. And tell Steve I am sorry I couldn't make it."

Fourth attempt:

He cleared his throat to get your attention from your book. You looked up to find some roses in front of you in the hands of Bucky. He asked, "So (Y/N) what do you think?"

"They're beautiful, Buck," He was about to smile til he heard. "I'm sure they are going to make your girl's day."

You turned back to your book. Bucky frowned a bit as he left the cafe. He threw the roses in the nearest trash can.

After that attempt, Bucky did not know what to do. In the midst of the attempts to get her attention, he had shamelessly flirted with her putting on his charm. Yet that did not even work.

Most people would say more on and such, but he knew you were different than any other girl he had met before. He wanted to know why and how you made him feel this way.

When he had told Steve what was his dilemma, his best friend raised his eyebrow. "Are you really that surprised Buck? She does not like that kind of stuff. She likes when people are being genuine and not putting on an act. She would like to see the real you. Trust me, I know (Y/N/N)."

"So I should just be up front and tell her how I feel?" Bucky raised his eyebrow.

"Pretty much. Her last boyfriend was a complete fake and jerk to her. She doesn't want that again."

"I am nothing like that."

"I know you aren't. You know you aren't. But she doesn't."

Bucky had a crazy idea. "I am going off to tell her now." He declared as he grabbed his jacket.

Steve opened his mouth to warn him that it was pouring rain like cats and dogs but he had already left. That punk.

You were simply reading your book when you heard a knock on the door.

It was crazy outside. Who would come walk in this storm?

You opened it and gasped to find a soaking wet Bucky Barnes.

"Bucky Barnes have you flipped your wig?" You exclaimed as you pulled him in. "I always knew you were insane but I did not think you were a flat-head."

He was shivering. "People do crazy things when they are in love." He replied trying to be audible despite his temperature.

Your eyes widened. "You what?"

Bucky took a breath. "Look I know you have been brokenhearted before and I understand if you wanna wait longer before getting into another relationship. I'll wait for forever if I have to, but you gonna know that I'm crazy about you. You are just so amazing and beautiful and all. I tried to show you that, but I decide to stop putting on the act and just tell you and show you the real me."

After his speech, you were beyond speechless. No words were coming out your mouth.

Bucky was getting nervous. "Can you at least say something, doll?"

You snapped out of it and smiled that sweet smile that makes him crumble on the inside. You went up to him and cupped his cheek. "I'm crazy about you too Buck."

You gave him a gentle yet meaningful kisses which he returned readily. When you pulled back, you guarded yourself from his sneeze. You giggled. "Come on, Barnes. Let's get you some warm clothes and some soup."

The rest of the night was filled with warm cuddles, getting to know each other better and some kisses in between.

This was how Bucky got his girl.


A/N: Oh Bucky :) Can't wait to see you action in Civil War.

Btw have any of you guys seen the new trailer??!!? I am so pumped!!!!! Why can't it come closer? Ugh!

Hope you guys like what I did here.

Get ready for some songfics.

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Fairfarren my dears :)

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