Bucky X @Blake4560: Mouse

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A/N: Okay my first request was from my best friend in the entire world, @Blake450. She and I have been friends for a long time. In fact, she was the one who introduced me to this site. You guys should check out her profile. She is an insanely amazing writer and has like a dozen stories on her page so you should check it out. She wanted me to make this one-shot of her which I happily agreed to.

Remember guys. I do take requests. So if you want me to make one for you, just hit me up. I am not as scary as you think :)

Warning: I am not that great at battle or action scenes. Okay got that out of the way. Enjoy!


"Where is Mickey Mouse?" Tony said in their headpieces. It's the first real mission for the new recruits to see how well they work together to accomplish the mission. To make it difficult, Captain asked Tony to come on this mission, knowing he tends to make things more difficult. On the mission was Scarlet Witch, Vision, War Machine, Falcon, the Winter Solider and Mouse (She was always quiet and sneaky like one. Plus she was a lot smaller than all of them so it stuck).

It was a simple mission. It was to take down the last known Hydra base that was known, thanks to the assistance from Bucky, and get whatever information they can. The fighting had already started and there was no sight of the newest spy. She was actually already on the inside, fighting with Bucky on her side. Blake heard what Stark called and growled. "What did I tell you about calling me that?"

She shot the last man that was sneaking behind Bucky. The solider nodded his head in thanks. Barnes knew out of everyone on their team, Blake would be able to sneak in the fastest and get out the quickest. She continued in her headpiece, "Solider and I are in. Keep it up out there."

Wanda attacked ten men at once. "Don't worry, we'll keep them distracted."

Tony said with a smirk. "Try not to have too much fun."

They all shouted. "TONY!"

Blake was trying to not to blush too hard. Everyone believed that she had a crush on Sergeant James Barnes and they had been wrong....for the most part. True, she had been the first one on the team to accept him as a member and helped him to adjust to the new world. And had been his first friend, other than Steve. She admits she cares for him, but won't put it under the category of crush.

After another encounter from the enemy, the two found a door. She gestured to it as she stepped away from it. Bucky smirked and used his metal arm to knock the door completely. She ran into the room and started working on the computer. She smiled as she worked. "Have I ever told you that I love your metal arm? Can you keep watch?"

He smiled. "You may have mentioned once or twice. What did Tony mean by the way?"

She almost froze but went back to work. Her fingers typing away. "Nothing to worry about. Trust me. Tony is just being an idiot like usual." She took out the flash drive and plugged it in.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Bucky was hoping that what Tony had said was true. He had told Steve in secret that he was interested in Blake, but was not sure if she would be into him. He did not exactly have the best track record. Barnes was hoping to dear God that he wasn't in the friend zone. Suddenly, he spotted soldiers coming towards them and began shooting.

Bucky held them back as much as he could. Blake needed as much time as he could give him. During this shoot out, he got shot a few times, but luckily they did not hit anything important. He asked, "Mouse, how are you doing there? I need some back up."

Then there was silence for a long period of time. He stepped out of his hiding spot and was shocked. There was Blake in the center surrounding a bunch of unconscious and badly injured men on the floor. One guy tried standing up, but she punched the daylights out of him. She barely had a mark on her. "I finished getting the information and already deleted everything so they have nothing left on there. So I thought you could use some help here." She stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

He shook himself out of his shock and spoke in the headpiece. "Tony, have you, Rhodey, and Sam set up the bombs?"

"Do you not know me? Of course I did. The building will blow up at your mark, Tin-Man." (Stark gave him that nickname due to his lack of feelings and his arm in the first few months of meeting.)

Blake was already pulling at his arm and dragging him out of the building at fast as they could. "Start the countdown now!" She said. Once they were out of the building and far away from the explosion, they waited on the outskirts. Her bright wide eyes spotted the bullet shots on her teammate and hit him on the side of the head. "You idiot. Why didn't you tell me about those?"

He rubbed his head. "Well we were a bit busy."

She rolled her eyes and touched each of the wounds with her hands, causing the bullets to come out of him and bleeding to stop. Her power of healing was quite useful to the team, seeing how they were always in battles. From broken bones to replacing missing blood, Blake was their walking healer. Once she was done on Bucky, he said while looking her in the eyes, "Thanks."

She blushed. "It's nothing."

They were getting closer and closer together until the bombs went off, causing them to jump back. They stood awkwardly as Vision said in their headpiece, "Mission Accomplished. Let us back to the base."


After the debriefing and getting their progress reports, they were dismissed. Bucky was in the elevator when he heard someone shouting, "Hold the door."

Once he did that, he saw that the person who said it was Blake. She walked into the elevator and said, "Thanks, Buck."

"No problem." The doors closed as he said that. There began the awkward silence. This was it, Bucky thought to himself. This is my chance. He rubbed his neck as he asked. "Hey Blake."

She looked up at him with those eyes that shook him to his core. "Yeah Buck, what's up?"

"Um...I was wondering if you would...if you don't mind....like to go-o oonn a date with me?" He asked. He hit himself mentally. He sounded like such an idiot. And Steve said he was once good at this.

She was trying so hard not to laugh at this. It was just plain adorable. Coughing a bit, she replied, "Can you come down here for a sec?"

She probably wants to hit me for even asking. Bucky thought. He went down to her size and closed his eyes, waiting for the punch. He was pleasantly surprised when he got a peck on the cheek. Barnes looked at her in surprise. "Yes, Bucky, I'd love to go a date with you."

The doors opened and she walked out saying, "I'll see you on Friday."

This left Bucky still shock, but then a smile was plastered on his face. He couldn't wait for Friday.

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