Vision X Reader: Jealousy

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A/N: I can't say enough how thankfully I am for your votes and comments. You guys rule!

I know you guys were expecting me to go through the Real Steve Series, but I decided in between I'll add some one-shots.

At the request of my newest follower NatashaAlaniz , I am making this particular one-shot with one of the newest additions to the Avengers team. Hope you like this one!

Remember guys: If you want something or more one-shots of an Avenger, don't get all shy on me. Tell me and I'll work my magic.

Enjoy guys!


Do you ever have that feeling where you feel like everything has gone red? Where you're fuming at thought of something? Where you wanted to attack anyone who mentions it to you?

Well, that is what (Y/N) was feeling every time Vision and Wanda was together. It wasn't even an occasional thing; it was every single day! At first, you just dismissed this, knowing Vision needs to make more friends besides you. You were happy that the two latest additions were adjusting well into the team as well as society. Plus, you and Wanda got along pretty well to the point where you can say you were friends.

Then as time passed, you saw how Vision was picking Wanda over you for a lot of things. Every Friday night, you two would hang out and have a movie marathon. The first Friday Vision cancelled because Wanda wanted him to go with her to a museum. You understood and so you were fine. Second Friday came and Wanda wanted to go to Central Park. You told him you were fine. The Fridays you would spend with the android were slowly getting forgotten. You were really upset that your tradition was gone.

Even on team building exercises, he would always pair up with Scarlet Witch. They worked perfect together. If you did get paired with him, he would give minimal communication to you. Once training was done, he and Wanda would go off doing something else, leaving you in the dust.

You thought you were angry and hurt at the fact you lost your friend, but as time passed you realized that you lost the person you loved the most.

Thankfully, Steve was always there for you. He kept your mind off of Vision and made sure you were always happy. Soon you and Steve continued the tradition of movie marathon, since he too still need to catch up with the times. When Vision did come into the room with her, Steve would hold you close for comfort.

When Vision saw you with Steve, he automatically assumed that you were just spending time with their leader. Then Vision would see how you were happier and laughed more with Steve than you ever were with himself. How the two of you would snuggle on the couch together, talking quietly. How the smell of popcorn filled the air on Friday and hear you with Captain.

He was thinking how long has he been busy. What you didn't know is that Wanda has been helping him express and identify his feelings for you. You see Vision was starting to have intense feelings for you, but being born recently, he had no idea what to do. So he went to the only person who was available. Wanda has teaching him what dating was and how he was supposed act in a relationship. Plus she was showing him places that you would like, to give an idea what to do with you on dates since the android had no idea whatsoever, since he can't rely on his computer for everything.

He hadn't realized how much time passed since he last spend time with you. Seeing you with Steve caused a weird unpleasant feeling within him. It made his stomach feeling churn. Talking to Wanda, she told him that he was feeling jealousy. He looked up and saw a few definitions.

1. Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.

2. Feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship.

Synonyms: envious, doubting, desirous, insecure, anxious

Thinking it over, Vision realized it described his condition perfectly. He didn't have the looks of Captain America. Heck he wasn't even fully human. He wasn't sure of your feelings towards him and yet the android wanted you to be his so bad. Vision knew he had to talk to you.

One late Friday night, you were going to take your bowl to the kitchen after another successful movie marathon with Steve. You had finally introducing and catching the solider in all things Disney. You still smiled at how memorized he was with the animation and how involved he was still each story line (You think Steve has a crush on Elsa hehe).

You were cleaning up when you hear a knock on your door. Looking at the time, you saw it was 2:48 am. Who was up at this time?

You opened the door and saw it was Vision with his hands behind his back. "Hello (Y/N). I know it's rather late and you must tired but may I speak with you?"

A part of you wanted to say "Go ask Wanda" and slam the door on his face, but you were still his friend no matter what. "Sure Vision, come on in."

As he sat down, the android saw the pile of movies on the table, causing that unpleasant feeling in him once again. You sat down next to him, facing him, and asked, "So what's wrong? What did you need to talk about?"

His hands became sweaty, growing nervous what he was going to say. "Well, (Y/N) firstly I wanted to say how sorry I am forgetting you. Wanda and myself were talking about that was weighing heavily on my mind. I didn't realized over two months has passed since I last saw you."

Your jaw clenched at the mention of her name but let it go. Letting out a breath, you replied coolly, "It's fine Vision really. It's normal for men to spend more time when women they are interested in. So no hard feelings."

Vision looked at you with wide eyes. That got him. You thought that he was interested, infatuated with Wanda? "What are you talking about? I'm not interested in Wanda. She and I are merely friends."

You know because him being part robot (and his gem) that he couldn't lie, but if that was true...what was going on? "Then why have you been blowing me off for her lately?"

This is not how he wanted to this to go down, but had to in order to clarify some things for you. He sighed. "Wanda was helping me to identify my growing feelings for you and help understand the customs of dating. She also had to show me how I cannot get ideas for dating from online all the time."

You froze in your seat. Did he just admit that he had feelings for you? Everything he said made logical sense. You felt like such an idiot. Plus you felt horrible for how you been treating Wanda when she was just trying to help you too out.

He continued. "I know I'm not as aesthetically pleasing as Steve or not a fully physical man-"

You had to stop him right there. "Vision," He looked you in the eye rather nervously, causing your heart to soften completely. "I don't care about your appearance. I care about you so much. In fact....I love you, Vision. I always have, though I might not have always shown it."

His robotic heart swelled at your words. He cupped your cheek and said a breath away from your lips, "I love you too, (Y/N)."

As you two shared your first kiss, you guys didn't notice how Steve and Wanda gave each other a high five.

A/N: Okay need a little disclaimer here: I'm not part dictionary. I got the definition from looking up on google, causing me to copy and paste it.

Got that out of the way. Yeah! I'll see you in the next one-shot!

Peace out!

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