Bucky X Reader: Mine Requested By Demigodfangirl365

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A/N: I am a horrible human being. I have been neglecting my beloved followers, which are you of course. Sorry. College has been no joke this semester.

Okay I finally got a new request from someone. Demigodfangirl365 this one is for you chica. Sorry it was so late. Hope you like it.


"Come on, (Y/N). You are going to love him," Natasha said to you as you were eating your breakfast. "His background is clear and has a nice job-"

You looked at her with a death stare that rivaled hers. "Nat, I am eating. I do not need to hear this garage this early in the morning, especially when you all," You gestured to the rest of the team at the dining table. "Were trying to get me to go a blind date last night with some wacko."

Tony said, "Lighten up, (Nickname). You know you wouldn't be so uptight if you-" Suddenly, his coffee cup was dumped on his head, still really hot. The billionaire was screaming like a little girl as you walked away from your team.

As much as you loved your friends, you didn't want to go on a date with another guy. To be honest, you were keeping a secret from the team about something. You have been secretly dating Bucky for the last four months. You two wanted to see if this relationship was going to working or not without any outside pressure. Especially from Steve, who had shipped you two so heavily (you were surprised that he even knew what that meant).

So far, everything has been amazing. Sure it was hard at first seeing how you two were Avengers and always on missions, but somehow you two made it work. Bucky was honestly the best boyfriend you had ever had. Under his tough facade, he was such a sweetheart. He treated you like you were only girl in the world and spoils you slightly, despite your protests. You two would just hang out at night watching movies, catching Bucky up on life since he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind the last seventy years.

The hard part was to only act as friends around the others. It was bad enough that Tony had EMILY as his new eyes and ears of his tower, but you have two of the best spies in the agency as your best friends. It was bad enough that they never let you get away with anything, but you did not want them to ruin anything you had with Bucky.

Now Stark believed that since everyone has someone (even Steve with Sharon), you were lonely and need a man in your life. Of course, all of the girls agreed and tried to set you up with multiple of guys, all of which you had excuses for. Most of which were due thanks to a little help from Fury. it just been hard lately since Bucky was on a mission with Steve and Clint somewhere in Europe.

You were in your room, steaming mad, when you heard a knock on your door. You screamed, "I swear if one of you bring up another guy right now, I will make you die a slow and painful death."

A familiar voice chuckled. "You haven't changed a bit."

Your eyes widened. No. It can't be. You turned around and your mouth dropped to the floor.


Bucky took a deep breath in as he was in the elevator with Steve and Barton. They had just gotten back from their month long mission. He was beyond tired, but honestly couldn't wait to see your smiling face. You were always on his mind. He had decided to on the way back to ask you to offically be his girl. Steve was understanding about why they kept a secret, but was happy that his best friend finally had someone they could see a future with. And of course, Clint overheard and congratulated him as well. All Bucky had to do was ask you.

Once he had gotten to the main lounge with the others, he heard your giggles but when he turned around his eyes immediately got dark. You were laughing with some guy about something he had said. What made it worse was the fact that you actually seemed to like this strange guy's company.

Nat came into the room and smirked at you and the guy. "Looks like they are hitting it off."

Steve was not at all happy about this either. He asked, "Nat what did you do?"

"Nothing I guess Wanda sent a guy towards (Y/N)'s way. I had nothing to do with this one. You gonna say though they are cute together."

You and the guy heard what Natasha had said and immediately joined into the conversation. Seeing Bucky ready to pop the guy's head off, you started, "Bucky, let me explain-"

Bucky grabbed you the waist and pressed you against his lips. You couldn't help, but respond back with the same passion. It lasted only a short while, but it left you breathless. The Winter Solider growled loudly, "You. Are. Mine."

Coming back to earth after that mind blowing kiss, you saw everyone's facial expressions. To say they were shocked was an understatement.

You cleared your throat and let go of Bucky, though Bucky's metal arm was still wrapped around your waist. Before you tried to explain, Nat asked, "How long?"

You answered. "Four months or so. We wanted to tell you guys when we were official," You looked at your boyfriend who had a big smile. "Which I'm guessing is now."

Bucky looked down at you. "I was going to ask you more formally when I got back."

The stranger, who was watching all of this, chuckled. "Congrats you two. It's about time you got someone to tame you, (Nickname)."

You gave him a mock glare. "Be quiet, Liam."

Clint gestured between you and Liam. "You two know each other?"

You two looked at each other and bursted out laughing. Everyone looked so confused. You wiped your tears as you said, "Everyone, this is my childhood friend and cousin, Liam."

Then came the collective "oh's" while Bucky looked very sheepish.


Later on that day

You had finally told everyone about you and Bucky. Everyone was happy for the two of you. You can still feel Thor's joy. Man that guy needs to stop killing you with his hugs.

After dinner, you parted from your cousin and went back to the lounge where Bucky was just chilling. You landed next to him and shook your head. "I can't believe you got jealous over my cousin."

"Not my fault you never mentioned him before."

"I haven't seen him in over 5 years. He has been traveling around the world with his girlfriend." You wrapped your arms around his torso. "You have no reason to be jealous anymore. No guy can take me away from you."

Bucky kissed you possessively. After it was time for air, he let go of your lips and said huskily, "Good 'cause you're mine, doll."

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