Loki X Reader: Lavender's Blue

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A/N: Hello dearies! In honor of 2015 Cinderella coming out on DVD today, I have decided to make this one-shot based on one of the songs from the movie.

Plus I have been noticing a lack of Loki lately. That must never happen. Loki is amazing (as well as the actor who plays him)! So this is a one-shot of our favorite trickster.

Hope you guys like it!


Loki was merely walking through the halls of the palace when he heard a beautiful melodious voice.

Lavender's blue,

Dilly dilly,
Lavenders green.

When I am King,
Dilly dilly,
You shall be Queen.

You were merely cleaning the floors of the throne, wiping them down with your knees on the floor. Being one of the maid servants in the palace, you tended to sing while you work. Songs your mother used to sing to you when you were a child. No one bothered to stop you. As long as you got your work done, they really didn't care.

Who told you so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told you so?

T'was my own heart,
Dilly dilly,
That told me so.

The young prince was captivated by your voice. It was most beautiful things he has ever heard in his life. Your voice alone calmed him and put him at ease. He sought out the source, but by the time he had reached the throne room, it was silent. The floors were spotless, but you were nowhere in sight.


The next time he had a chance to hear your voice, it was in the royal gardens.

Call up your men,
Dilly dilly,
Set them to work.

Some to the plow,
Dilly dilly,
Some to the fork.

Your voice had haunted him for the last couple of days. From his laying down to his reading, you were always with him. He had tried to look for you around the palace, but to no avail. You were like the mist; you are here at one moment and gone the next.

Hearing your voice, Loki immediately jumped into action. Using his magic, he was able to find you in the garden, strolling along with a skip in your step as you gathered flowers into your basket.

At first glance, the slivertongue himself had no words and was completely memorized by your beauty. He assumed your were beautiful by the sound of your voice, but you were beyond his wildest dreams. With your (y/h/l) (y/h/c) hair tied up in a (y/f/c) rag and lovely (y/e/c) eyes, you were beauty itself. It would seem like love at first sight was not a myth, but a reality. Loki knew he found the one, but hoped with all of his heart you would feel the same as him.

Some to make hay,
Dilly dilly,
Some to cut corn.

While you and I,
Dilly dilly,
Keep ourselves warm.

Picking out flowers for her majesty, you felt the presence of another in the garden. You looked around and saw Prince Loki leaning against one of the pillars, watching you with a gentle smile. A blush crept upon your cheeks. You always had feelings for the youngest prince. There was nothing not to like about him. From his beautiful emerald eyes to his ingenious tricks, Loki was in your eyes the man of your dreams.

The moment your eyes met his, there was an instant connection between the two of you. It was if the world around you vanished and it was only the two of you. You gently smiled back at him, causing him to widen his. It caused you to inwardly swoon. There was nothing that could ruin-

"(Y/N)! You are needed!" The head mistress called for you from the other entrance of the gardens, not noticing Loki or his groan of annoyance.

"Coming, ma'am." You replied. Giving one last smile to Loki, you walked away from him with a sigh of brief sadness. You looked back at him one last time, seeing how he had not taken his eyes off you. Your blush came back as you turned away to go the rest of your chores.

Loki was glad to put a name to your lovely face and see love in your eyes, but honestly hated that woman for ruining his chance to properly meet you.


Third time really was the charm for the next time you sang was the first official meeting with one another.

You were sweeping the music room that her majesty played for her family, friends, and guests. In fact, guests were coming later at night and the queen was planning to play some music. As you sang the next verse, you immediately thought of a certain green-eyed prince.

Lavender's green,

Dilly dilly,
Lavender's blue.

If you love me,
Dilly dilly,

I will love you.

Finishing another training with Thor and his friends, Loki was heading towards his chambers when he heard your voice once again. He smiled hearing the verse. This song taught him to hope that you loved him as much as he loved you. The god of mischief headed towards the chamber, listening continue your song.

I love to dance,
Dilly dilly,
I love to sing.

When I am Queen,
Dilly dilly,
You'll be my King.

As you were singing this verse, you began to dance to the melody of the song, imagining the music playing out. When Loki had reached the room, he saw this and smiled at the endearing sight of your dancing. He silently walked into the room, sneaking up behind you.

Who told me so,
Dilly dilly,
Who told me so?

You spun around, landing yourself directly in front of Loki. Your tense position at the sudden appearance melted as he smiled at you. Silently, you finished your song.

I told myself,

Dilly dilly,

I told me so.

You smiled at him as you curtsied. "Hello, your Highness. It's pleasure to finally meet you."

He raised your hand and kissed it as his eyes kept looking into your own. "Believe me, darling the pleasure is all mine."

From that moment on, you two would never part. You would be his Queen while he would be your King.


A/N: Ah! I love this one so much!!! :)

I hoped you guys did! If so, please comment or vote or both. I'd love to hear from you guys.

Might do another Loki soon so keep your eye out.

Fairfarren, my dears.

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