Steve X Reader: The Real Steve Part 2

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When Steve first came up with the idea, he was very hesitate about the idea of deceiving people into thinking that he was a tiny young man when he was actually Captain America. Looking at his dog tags, he smiled thinking that if he had not done this he would not have meet (Y/N). 

You and Steve have been hanging out now for about a month now. You two usually did lunch together everyday, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. You guys would start on the books Steve have been reading at your suggestion and end up laughing at an old memory of your childhood. Steve have never felt this happy in all his life. He knew you were something special, someone who could possibly dance with.

There were times where Steve felt bad for lying to you. From carrying your groceries to trying to stop guys from making perverted jokes at you, you had to stop him from hurting himself too much for you were afraid for his fragile frame. You had admired that Steve was a gentleman and wanted to do things for you, but it did not stop you from worrying. Even the times he got hurt, you never discouraged him from doing the right thing, though your concern for his safety was always on his mind. You learned early on when Steve has in his mind on something there was no stopping him. 

Today was the day. Steve kept telling himself as he put on his leather jacket. Today was the day when he would officially ask you out. According to Natasha and Wanda, these lunches were not dates, just hang outs to see how the other person is. Steve needed to ask you out properly. Putting on his dog tags (which he placed underneath his shirt so you would not see), he transformed back to pre-serum Steve and headed out.

You were reading the latest book you had bought from the bookstore when Steve walked into the cafe. He smiled at your focused gaze, getting immersed into your reading, but it was a nervous smile. His hands were beginning to get sweaty. You were honestly the most amazing girl he has ever met since Peggy and want you to his, but there was always the possibly of rejection especially with a beautiful dame as yourself. 

He walked over and sat down. Steve would let you finish your page before having a conversation with him. Heck there was times he let you finish the chapter, knowing you wanted to see what happened next. Steve found your love for reading to endearing and love to watch read. While waiting for you, he would sometimes take out his sketchbook and draw. He never showed you his sketches, since some of them were of you. 

You looked up and smiled at the man in front of you, closing your book. "Hey Steve. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks for asking, (Y/N)." He replied rather shakily.

You raised your eyebrow. You had never seen Steve this nervous before. "Are you sure? Your hands are shaky." Moving your eyes to his hands that were indeed shaking.

"Really (Y/N) I am fine. So how was (your favorite book)?" He tried to change the subject.

"Oh no you don't dare change the subject with me, Rogers," You saw his head went down, trying not to look you in the eye and twist his hands nervously. Your heart awed at the sight of nervous Steve. 

Since you have met the blond haired man, you have been swept off your feet. He was everything you have ever wanted in a man. His passionate nature towards causes he believed in, his kind blue eyes, his beautiful smile, his adorable appearance.....the list goes on and on, but the point is that you were slowly falling for Steve. 

You lifted his chin which caused him to look you in the eye. Your voice soften from your stern approach from before. "Steve tell me what's wrong."

Once again, your (y/e/c) eyes and touch has caused him melt. Steve could not delay this any longer. Taking a breath, he said rather quickly, "(Y/N)IreallylikeyouandthinkyouarethemostbeautifulwonderfulwomanIhaveevermetandIwaswonderingifyouwouldgoonadatewithme?"

Somehow you managed to catch all that. Once you registered what he had said, your cheeks were hurting at how big your smile was becoming. He wasn't looking at you again so you decided to do something that would definitely catch his attention. You kissed his cheek, which caused him to look up in shock, and said, "Yes Steve I would love to go on a date with you."

Steve let out a breath. "Swell." His whole entire posture instantly was relaxed. "Does tomorrow night sound good to you?"

You nodded with that same huge smile on your face. "Definitely."


A/N: Aw that was adorable! Two parts done, one more part to go.

Thank you all again for the votes and comments! You guys are the bomb! Yes I know no one says that anymore. Don't judge me :)

Thanks for reading guys!

Have a good rest of the day.

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