Loki X Twilight: Kindred Spirit Requested By @twilight3456

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A/N: I am on a roll! Four one-shots in a roll! This girl is on fire!!!! (imagine me singing the Alicia Keys song while holding the Hunger Games salute) LOL LOL I am so weird :)

Okay this request was made by the awesome twilight3456. I may not know that well yet, but judging her request message and description of her character she sounds pretty awesome. Her character will be meeting our favorite god of mischief.

Hope you guys like it.



When Loki first entered the new Avengers facility, his green eyes immediately connected with the most lovely eyes he had ever seen. They were golden eyes that shined as bright as the sun. He snapped out of it once his oaf of a brother called the team over to show that he meant no harm anymore as well as introduce the new members to the team.

After meeting the mysterious android and the twins, he was introduced to the beauty that was Twilight. She had long wavy black hair that ended at her waist which went perfectly with her tan skin. As he went to kiss her hand, he noticed her hands had transformed into claws. He raised his eyebrow at her, causing her to smile wider which made his heart stutter.

Thor examined, "Lady Twilight here is half dragon/wolf and half human. She has extraordinary abilities. She is perhaps just as powerful as you brother."

Loki looked at her in a new light as she transformed her hand back to normal. She shook her head. "He is just exaggerating. It is so nice to meet you, Loki. I have heard so much about you."

He was surprised that she was genuinely pleased to meet him despite everything. He kissed her hand as he looked into her beautiful eyes. "Believe me my lady the pleasure is all mine."

In the following days, he found himself either be discovered by the beautiful girl or seeking her himself. She always asked him to tell him the truth about certain myths she had read about before.

One of being how he apparently gave birth to an eight legged horse.

He dropped his book and looked at her in shock. "Wait what?"

She giggled at his expression. "I said according to the myth you actually gave birth to an eight legged horse, but I am guessing by your facial expression that is not true."

"I mean no I did not or could not conceive any creature like females, but I did create him as a child."

She sat up more and leaned in a bit. "Why? What he was like?"

He raised his eyebrow with a amused smile. "You are a curious one aren't you?"

Twilight slightly blushed. "Well I have always loved Norse mythology ever since I was a little girl. When Thor told us you were joining the team, I was a little excited to meet one of my favorite characters." My favorite character in all Norse Mythology , she had thought but did not say out loud.

Loki relished the fact that she enjoyed his company so much and actually listen to what he had said.

Then came the day that their fellow team mates kept bothering her. It was then she unleashed her mischievous side.

Twilight was just tired of Pietro keep sneaking up on her and saying his catch phrase. Loki came upon her as she used her magic on a certain hallway. He was surprised yet pleased at the idea of someone else loved and used the art of sorcery.

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