Pietro X Reader: Afraid Part 2

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A/N: Okay for those who have read this last part, I left it off on a note that was less than happy. I had told you all that this was based on a current situation I was going through. So I actually did something about it. I talked to my best guy friend and told him how I felt about him in person. Though things did not turn out as I wanted it to be, I wanted to give you all a happy ending with our beloved Pietro.

So here you go guys!


This was it. You were finally going to tell him how you felt.

Your nerves were on skyrocketing and he was not even back from his mission yet. Pietro, Steve, Sam and Bucky all went on a mission over seas to take down an enemy base. It was supposed to last til Wednesday, Christmas Eve. And Today was only Sunday. You had plenty of time to get your thoughts together.

After reading for a bit, you had the sudden urge to bake some Christmas cookies. Everyone had to bring/make something for the Christmas Eve party. You had some recipes in mind, but never actually tried them. So you decided to make some of them now.

You had just finished making your mother's famous chocolate cookies as well as her sugar cookies when suddenly one of the batches disappeared. You had thought you had put them on the counter. Then realization as well as your nerves came to you. You shouted, "Pietro! Where are you?"

Within a second, he appeared in front of you sitting at the counter top, almost done your chocolate cookies. He smirked at you, "You didn't see that coming?"

You rolled your eyes. "Of course I didn't see that coming, seeing how I thought you guys were coming home later."

"Expect the unexpected (Y/N/N)." He winked at you, which caused you to roll your eyes with a smile. "By the way, these are amazing."

"Good, this is my first time making them and I wanted them to be perfect for the party."

Pietro raised his eyebrow. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

Of course you weren't! You were not prepared to tell him this soon. Fate just loves to put you in awkward situations. You started, "Well....um Pietro there is something I wanna tell you."

He looked at you carefully. Then suddenly, you found yourself in Central Park wrapped in your winter jacket, scarf and boots. You shook your head at your friend who was dressed for the cold as well.

One of the best things about your friendship with Pietro was that you could tell him everything and he did the same with you. You would tell each other of all the things you been through in the past and current struggles. He would always take you here to talk privately about these kind of things. You two would walk and talk around this huge park for hours. Wanda says you are one of the few people he would slow down for.

Pietro looked down at you as you two started walking. "So what did you want to tell me?"

You took a sudden interest in your hands. "I was really hoping to you guys would come back at home later."

The white haired guy next to you just bumped a bit. "Just tell me."

You muttered under your breath, but he did not hear you. "Spit it out, (Y/N)."

You blurted quickly. "I have feelings for you!"

You two kept walking but in silence.

You then continued, "I did not want to say anything because we had such a good thing going. I did not want ruin that. Plus I was scared to lose you entirely. I had already lost so many people. I couldn't lose you too."

Pietro looked at you in the eye. "You know me. You know that is never going to happen."

You sighed. "I hoped you would say that, but every part of me was afraid of how you would react to this, especially you are seeing (random girl name). I knew what kind of girls you liked and I did not fit the bill."

"What kind of girls do you like?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Like (Y/friends/name). Perfect girls who have your sense of humor and into the same things that you are into. Girls are social and lovable by all-"

Pietro interrupted. "You also fit that bill."

You stopped in your tracks. Did he just say what he just say?

He stopped with you and looked you in the eye. "(Y/N), I wish you had told me sooner. I did like you when I first saw you and had feelings for you too."

Wait what? He liked you then?

He cupped your cheek with his hand and stroked your cheek. "(Y/N), you have always been there for me. You have seen me at my best and worst. You accepted all of me. You make slow down and enjoy life more. (Random girl) and I broke off before I went off to the mission because she was not you. Моя красавица (My beautiful girl in Russian), it has always been you."

You were beyond shocked at this point. Then what made it click for you was when he kissed you for the first time. You kissed him with enthusiasm and joy. All those suppressed feelings finally came out in that kiss.

You both pulled back out of breath with huge smiles on your face.

Pietro pecked you on more time. "(Y/N) would you like to go on a date with me and see where this goes?"

You nodded your head with a huge smile on your face. "Most definitely."


A/N: Everything but the ending was based on what happened to me and my best guy friend. I hope you all liked it.

Please comment, vote, and request for me.

I would really appreciate that!

Fairfarren my dears! :)

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