Avengers X Reader: Your Secret Admirer (Steve)

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Where we last left you off, you were in the park waiting to the secret admirer who had been sending you all the beautiful letters and thoughtful gifts.

Now let's back to the action shall we?


You decided to sit down on the bench for your date. It was a few minutes later until you felt someone's presence behind. As soon as they touched your shoulder, you knew who it was causing you to blush and smile. You turned around to find Steve Rogers looking down at you with his blush in his cheeks.

Deep down you knew it was him. Who else was that thoughtful and considerate of you? It just that you had never thought in your wildest dreams that he would be interested in you too.

You remembered the day you two had met. Fury had just recruited you to be a new addition to the team and forced to go to training with the others despite your protests. As you introduced yourself to the newest members of the Avengers, someone cleared their throat and asked everyone to give their attention. You turned around and there it happened. Your (y/e/c) eyes clashed with his beautiful blue eyes, causing your insides to swoon.

Since that training session, you have been great friends with Steve. You two were always there for each other whether it was Tony's taunts/teasing to on the mission field. You discovered that everything that you had heard about the Captain were true. He was always the proper gentleman. Her was extremely sweet and too kind. He was a loyal friend, compassionate, determined, and so much more. Overall, he's a great man.

Somehow along the journey of your friendship, you had fallen for him. You did not want to knowing he would never reciprocate, but your heart had a mind of its own, desiring to have Steve as your one and only love of your life.

You stammered. "Stteve...you're my secret admirer?"

He nodded his head, looking down at the ground bashfully. "Yes I am."

Your shock has not exactly worn off. "Wow....."

"I guess you were expecting Bucky or Tony. I'll get going..."

You immediately snapped out of it and grabbed his wrist. "No! Don't leave. I am not at all disappointed Steve. I was just in shock," Now it was your turn to be sheepish. "I was actually hoping it would be you." You finished rather quietly.

The super solider smiled with his blush getting redder.

You continued, returning with a slight smile. "I guess I have to ask: why me? Why did you chose me? Why you sent those letters to me? I am no one special."

Steve came closer, caressing your cheek lightly. "Yes you are. You are more special and dear to me than you think. Why? You ask. Well...I have fallen in love with you. You are not only beautiful inside and out, but you have such a big heart, sweet, hilarious, amazing, smart and well I can go on and on about what I love about you. I sent you those letters, because I had thought you would never be interested in me in that way. I was scared you would reject me."

Your (y/e/c) eyes looked into his eyes as you leaned in. "Steve you have had me since day one. I have always loved you and still do."

Both of your lips met in the middle in a sweet and chaste kiss which grew passionate as you both unreleased your hidden feelings into that kiss. You had never felt more loved or more alive than in that moment.

Needing to breathe, you both had pulled back and smiled happily to one another. Steve asked, "So (Y/N) does this mean that you would be my Valentine?"

You nodded rapidly. "Yes I would love to be yours."


A/N: One Avenger down, nine more to go :)

I hope you all enjoy what I am doing here.

Fairfarren my dears :)

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