Pietro X Reader: Late Requested by @Writingbloggergirl15

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A/N: Despite my absence on here, I have actually gotten a few requests. One was by Writingbloggergirl5 who wanted some more Pietro in my little collection I have going here.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for this request for being late. I blame college.

Hope you like it!


The Avengers were back in action again to attack another Hydra base that was hidden for many ages, but discovered and revealed thanks to three of their newest team mates, Bucky and the Maximoff Twins.

Captain commanded the team as he threw his shield at the many soldiers approaching him. "Pietro, Bucky give in there and find the victims of those experiments. Then take them back to the ship. Rhodey and Sam take care off our friends in the sky. Tony take care of the building. Everyone else fire and disarm all of the soldiers ."

The moment Cap said his name, Pietro ran inside of the building with great speed and urgency leaving his partner in the dust. He did as his leader had asked and help the prisoners escape, but he was also looking for someone.

In the months before he had become an Avenger, Pietro was separated from his sister for a brief period of time to this building where Stryker's  colleagues have been successful with mutations. Though he had proved to be good at his ability, they had wanted him to be more.

In that time, he had a cellmate who went by the name (Y/N). Due to all the tests done on her, she had no recognition of who she was before the procedures had started.

The scientists put her through torture to the point of her screaming and begging for mercy. It would break Pietro's heart every time, which caused him to try break out to save her.

When they were both done for the day, she still found a way to put a smile on his face. Though she had been through hell, she focused on him healing and comfort him on those lonely nights in their cells.

It was during those days Pietro realized a few things.

Stryker was an evil man who would take advantage or abuse helpless individuals for his own benefit.

And....he was falling hard for (Y/N).

He even believed that she might have fell for him too, but would not know the truth since he was supposed to be sent back.

He had promised her that he would come back for her and break her out of this hell.

That was almost over a year ago.

In the midst of his search, Quicksliver was beginning to lose hope. He was begging to whatever higher power that she was still alive and safe.

As he was helping Bucky take the victims back to the ship, an agent had appeared out of nowhere and attacked them.

Barnes yelled as he was fighting off the fast assassin. "Quicksliver, get them into the ship. NOW!"

He nodded and ran as fast as he could to carry the prisoners to safety. Once he was back to carry the last child back to the ship, Pietro was hit with a powerful force field knocking him and the girl to the ground.

He shook his head and looked towards where the source came from.

He gasped, shaking his head in disbelief and shock. "No....(Y/N)."

Avengers One-Shots (Requests Closed) Where stories live. Discover now