Clint x Reader: The Tales of Robin Hood Part 1

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A/N: Hey guys! First off, thanks for all the views! You guys are the bomb (though saying probably doesn't make me sound very cool). Second, this is gonna be an AU where we are going to the 11th century and Clint is going to be our favorite legendary character, Robin Hood! Lol I'm surprised that no one else has thought about this. So you won't be confused here are the characters:
Maid Marian = Maid (Your Name)
Little John = Little Steve
Will Scarlet = Nat Scarlett
Friar Tuck = Friar Bruce
The Sheriff of Nottingham = Sheriff Anthony (Tony)
King Richard = King Thor
Prince John = Prince Loki
Lastly, this is going to be one shot series. I might make it a two/three part series. So keep your eye out for part two.
Lol this is going to be fun! Hehe! Enjoy!
Robin sighed at the beauty he spotted in the castle, admiring her (y/h/l) (y/h/c) hair as she brushes it. He has been spying on her for weeks. According to Friar Bruce, her name was Maid (Y/N), the ward to King Thor. She was a kindhearted maiden who did all she can in her power to help those below her. All he wanted to do was shoot an arrow, climb the rope from his shot, and meet the beauty that has captured his heart, mind and soul. Unfortunately, he had to think of the poor those suffering from Prince Loki's reign of terror. After coming back from the Crusades, the archer saw the devastation of the land and decided to take action. He changed his name to Robin, gathered the finest men (and women, he wasn't biased) in all of England, and rob the rich to feed the poor.
It wasn't an idea everyone liked, especially Prince Loki and his favorite sheriff, Sheriff Anthony who liked to be called Tony. In fact, Tony has been after him since Robin first started "borrowing" from the rich. They became enemies over night. Robin hoped one day soon King Thor would return from the crusades to stop Loki once and for all. In the meantime, he had to do what had to do.
"Robin!" The green archer snapped out of this trance and looked at the bottom of the tree. It was Little Steve, his right hand man and best friend. He trusted Steve to lead his operations. Sometimes, he though Steve was a better leader than he was. Robin jumped from the top to where his friend was and stated to him, "I trust everything went smoothly."
Steve nodded his head as they walked towards camp. "Yes everything worked according to plan. Sheriff Tony wasn't able to stop us whatsoever. Nat made sure of that."
Robin chuckled at thought of Scarlett. "I bet she did. Any news?"
"Friar Bruce has been arrested."
"What?!" Robin couldn't believe the peaceful spiritual leader being in prison. "Why?"
"Sheriff Tony was rattling his buttons to get answers from the friar about where the money has been coming from. And, well he snapped and attacked the sheriff."
Without Friar Bruce, they wouldn't be able to send the money into the town as smoothly and quietly. Without him, the town would lose hope. The friar was just as much as a symbol of hope as Robin. The two men looked at each other and knew their next move: to break into Prince Loki's castle.
Later that night
You weren't able to sleep all night. As much as you tried to, you just couldn't. Grabbing your robe, you tied it on and put on your slippers to put on so you can go to the kitchens for a glass of milk. As you walked through the courtyard, you spotted some men climbing over the walls. You quietly walked over there and hid in the stables. You heard a man say, "The friar and the rest of the prisoners are on the other side of the castle. Little Steve, I need you and the others to release the prisoners while me and Scarlett get the gold from the treasury. Is that understood?"
You peeked your head over the door and saw two blonde men gave a brotherly hug, surrounded by men and women in dark forest green. The taller of the two released himself and said, "Good luck, Robin."
Your eyes widened. It was the famous Robin Hood! You have heard from the women of the kingdom that he was handsome, but the rumors did not do him justice. You fixed your gaze on the archer as he replied, "You too, Little Steve."
The group separated, leaving yourself to think. What they were trying to accomplish was no small feat. You decided to help the men first from freeing the prisoners. You ran from the stables to where the prison was. Guarding it was the flirtatious Sheriff of Nottingham. You saw Steve and the others in the bushes, spotting the key on Tony's waist. Knowing what you had to do, you groaned.
You walked over seductively to the man in front of the prison. "Hello, Sheriff." You purred.
Anthony gave that cocky grin that made you want to slap him. "Ah, my lady. What brings you here at this ungodly hour?" He reaches to your hand and kisses it for a long time.
You kept a scowl off your face and kept up your act. You sighed. "Alas, I cannot sleep. I was hoping a nightly stroll would help but it does not."
He moves closer to you, pressed his body close to yours. "Well I am sorry to hear that, but I will be more than happy to provide a distraction."
In the corner of eye, you see Steve walking over slowly, nodding towards you. You inwardly sigh, glad he caught your plan. You wrapped your arms around Anthony's waist. "I would like that very much. Perhaps, we can go to the kitchens where we can be a little more private." You whispered in his ear.
You feel his breath on your neck as he replied, "Mm, I knew you'll warm up to me eventually." He starts nipping on your neck, which made you want to vomit, but couldn't. You sounded like you were enjoying it and moved your hands all over back. Then your right hand slowly untied the keys and threw them to Steve who caught them.
You gently pushed the Sheriff back and said, "Anthony, come along. We wouldn't want Prince Loki to spot us now, would we?"
"You are right my dear. Let us go." You took his arm and led away. You saw in the corner of your eye the men sneaking into the prison. Once you were in kitchen, you immediately grabbed a frying pan and hit him over the head with it, knocking him out completely. You placed the ale in hand so people thought he was drunk and ran out. You saw the men and prisoners, including Friar Bruce, leaving the prison.
You went to the gatekeepers and screamed. "Help! Help!"
The guards ran immediately down. "My lady, what is the matter?"
You breathe rapidly and held your hand over your heart. "There was a man in my room and tried to attack me."
They ran away to the other side of the castle where your room was. You should have been an actress. Steve and the others ran over to you were and saw what you did for them. Little Steve commanded the men to open the gate. He looked to you then and bowed his head in respect. "Thank you, my lady for your assistance this night."
You smiled. "Anything to help Robin Hood and his merry men."
Suddenly, Robin appeared with Scarlett you thought riding a wagon, carrying tons of gold. The moment his eyes connected with yours, it was like all was right in the world. There was the connection between the two of you that could not be broken. Little Steve shook you two out of your trance. "Robin we must go before the guards return."
Robin hopped off and nodded his head. "Help everyone into the wagon. It should fit everyone."
You helped the Merry Men with getting everyone in. As soon as the last person was in, you saw that Robin was looking at you intently. You thank the darkness that he could not see your blush. He approached you and kisses your hand, sending a chill down your spine. "Thank you for your help, Maid (Y/N)."
"You know of me?"
"Of course, your beauty and kindness has been spread throughout the kingdom, though the rumors do not do you justice."
Your whole face heats up, causing him to smirk. "And it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Robin."
"Believe me, the pleasure is all mine." He winks at you.
This man is going to be the death of you. Thankfully, Scarlett comes in and says that they have to depart. "Until next time, my lady." Robin sneaks a kiss on your cheek and ran off to the front of the wagon. As they rode away, you touched your cheek with a faint smile. This was the night your heart was captured by Robin of Locksley.
A/N: Man it's hard to write a one shot on your phone. Ugh, I feel like my hands is going to come off.
Keep your eyes out for part two!
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Thanks for reading guys! :)

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