Tony X Reader X Steve: THAT IS IT! Alternative Ending 1

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When we last left you, you had left the Avengers along with the men who were fighting over you. You had already found your own place and everything. You were relaxing at home when you heard a knock at your door.

You opened your door. Once you saw who it was, you crossed your arms and demanded, "What are you doing here?"

It was Steve with a sheepish look and bouquet of your favorite flowers. He simply asked, "May I come in?"

You knew you really should not let him in, but seeing his pleading blue eyes made your insides melt a bit. You sighed running your hand through your hair, "Fine come on in. Make yourself comfortable."

As he walked into the house, he gave you the bouquet which you took from him. Going into the kitchen, you sniffed them and smiled. Despite it all, you really did love Steve more than Tony. He was everything you had ever wanted in a man and so much more. You had put the flowers in a water filled vase and went back to the living room.

Steve was on your couch, waiting patiently for you. Once you had sat on the chair opposite from him, you asked, "How did you find me?"

He looked up at you. "Nat told me where to find you. She also told me to give this note to you too," From his leather jacket revealed a letter. You took it and saw it was from Tony. "It is from Tony."

You raised your eyebrow. "Oh you are no longer calling him Stark now?"

He sighed. "(Y/N) I am so sorry you had to see that. You were right. We should not have done that. We should have known better. Better yet, we should of known your reaction to that. I knew how much you care for Tony, but I guess I let my jealousy and anger get the best of me."

Your face remained expressionless. "Steve what really disappointed me was the fact you two had let it get that far. I knew you two had your issues, but you two are the leaders of the team. What you two do affects the rest of us. You two took it too far."

"I know. I am sorry, (Y/N). I really am," His eyes showed so much shame and guilt. "Tony and I talked it over and we resolved all of our issues. He wrote that letter to you hoping you would forgive him too."

You looked and opened the letter.

Though your best friend was a genius, he still had the worst handwriting ever.

Dear (Y/N),

I am so sorry you had to see me like that. I never wanted to hurt you, but by the look on your face that day I had done so much more. I have so many stupid things in the past (many of which you knew about), but that was probably the worst of them all. Why? Because I had ruined the best friendship I had ever in all of my life. I also realized the love I felt for you was not the kind that Steve feels for you. Mine was of a brother who wanted to protect his sister from men forever. I hope you will come to forgive me and Capsicle.

Also give Steve another chance. He truly cares and loves you. You should have seen him when you left. I also know you love him way more than me. I can tell in your eyes. Forgive him and better yet love him.

Hope to see you soon.

Sincerely yours,


Smiling a bit, you sniffed as you folded the letter back in the envelope. You muttered to yourself, "That jerk made me cry." You laughed a bit with Steve who heard you.

The super solider stood up. "Well I guess I should go."

You stood up too and went up to him. Taking a breath, you looked up at him. "Steve I forgive you for what you did."

Steve let out a breath of relief. "Thank you. I really don't deserve it."

You shrugged. "How can I not forgive the man I love?"

His blue eyes clashed with your (y/e/c) eyes. He stammered a bit, "Yooouuu llove me?"

You nodded your head with a smile.

Tentatively, Steve put his hand at the back of your neck and leaned towards you. You leaned in too, meeting him in the middle. It was a kiss filled with so much love and passion.

You two broke apart out of breath and with big smiles. Steve smiled at you. "I love you so much, (Y/N)."

You wrapped your arms around him. "I love you too Steve."


A/N: I thought this was good. Hopefully you guys like it too. If you did, then comment and vote please.

As for those who were cheering on for Tony, don't fret my dear. I will be posting that alternative ending in a bit so keep your eye on it.

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