A/N: Pray for Harvey and Irma

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Hi everyone.

I felt like I had to write this.

There have been so many people who lost everything due to Hurricane Harvey. And now with Irma becoming one of the most powerful and dangerous of them all, those who are in the Caribbean and the South of the US are in great danger.

I am asking/encouraging you all to pray for those who have been and will be affected by the natural disasters that have taken place over the last couple of weeks.

This is not an easy time for them. I cannot imagine what they are going through, but I am doing what I can to help them through prayers and the little money I have left.

If you can give money to those in Houston, remember every little bit helps. I know Wawa, Red Cross, Salvation Army and some churches are gathering money to send over there.

All in all, the message I really want to press is to pray.

Prayer is a powerful thing.

You may not think God is listening or cares, but He is and He does. He can work and help. God can heal. All you have to do is ask.

I know not all of you who follow me are believers or do not believe in God, but I urge you: do not let your beliefs stop you from caring about your fellow man.

I will be posting again soon but just felt like I had to do this.

I hope and pray that you are all safe and preparing.

Love you all.


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