Twelve - Prelude

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The artists couldn't believe it. K-391 studied the stranger. He looked older than K-391 and his friends, and a lot stronger. He wasn't dressed in anything too extravagant, just a motorcycle jacket and jeans. The jacket had an emblem on the right shoulder that K-391 did not recognize as the NCS symbol, K-391 had never seen it before. He had brown hair and green eyes that glinted in the same way K-391's did. And he was giving them a very stern and annoyed look.
K-391 stepped forward. "I think there may be a misunderstanding here. We came here expecting the NCS fortress, but this doesn't look like any fortress I know of. If you are not related to the people who took Ahrix away, then I, we have no quarrel with you."
The stranger asked with no change in expression, "So, you guys aren't NCS agents?" "Quite the opposite, Hon." Ava Max answers, slightly annoyed. The air was tense for several seconds.
"Well, that's a relief, I was worried there for a bit." The stranger broke out of character, sheathing his sword. "Anyway, good. I don't have to try to kill you guys, you're not trying to destroy my home, good."
"Wow. That worked. Nice one K." Ava Max nods in his direction.
"I know, right! Everyone should try to solve their problems by just checking to see if there hasn't been a misconception!"
"Didn't we try that on the Melitopians and it failed?" Alan Walker asked. He turned to the stranger. "Also, why did you believe us so fast? You know that everything K-391 said could easily be a lie, right?"
"I'm paranoid, not cynical," The stranger said, pulling out his phone. "Everything anyones ever said to me could be a lie. There's no real way to for sure determine someone is trustworthy, so you pretty much have to use your best judgment. Also look at him and tell me he's told a lie a day in his life." He said, pointing at K-391.
"Huh?" K-391 said, looking over at Alan Walker. The two stared at each other for several seconds.
Alan Walker face palmed. "Sweet innocent lovable K. How did he get mixed up in a quest against NCS?"
The stranger snorted, looking up from his phone. "Also, I just looked you guys up and your story checks out."
"If I may ask, If this isn't the NCS fortress, where are we?" Ava Max asked, changing the subject.
"Oh, right. I'm TheFatRat, and welcome to Arcadia."

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