Chapter Twelve

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  The next day at the office, the events at the cafe seemed like a distant, disturbing dream. Amy and Richard threw themselves into their work, trying to regain a sense of normalcy. However, the memory of Rhysand's penetrating gaze lingered in the back of Richard's mind.

  Amy appeared focused and determined, yet Richard noticed moments when she seemed distracted, her thoughts likely drifting back to the cafe and Rhysand's unsettling attention.

Despite their efforts to move on, the shadow of Rhysand Archer loomed over them.

  Richard couldn't shake the feeling of unease, especially when he recalled the way Rhysand had looked at Amy. It was a look that suggested more than mere interest—it was a look that promised complications.

  As they continued to work on their project, Richard kept a vigilant eye on Amy, determined to protect her from any potential threat. Amy, while appreciating Richard's concern, remained resolute in her focus, not wanting fear to dictate her actions.

They never shared any of the incident with their parents. The work at company seemed to pull the time out of Amy's hands.

"Amy it's late. Let's leave", Richard knocked at her cabin.

"But Richard I've got an email to be sent. You leave I'll come once it's done.", she told as she typed the mail.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I am", her words were confident.

  He left the company. Walking away from Rile Inno Code Group of Companies, Richard carried with him a mix of emotions—regret for what could have been, hope for Amy's safety, and a quiet determination to navigate the uncertain path that lay ahead.

  With a heavy heart and a sense of purpose, Richard climbed into his car. He hesitated for a brief moment, glancing back at the office building. Then, without looking back again, he started the engine and drove away.

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