Chapter Forty-Five

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  As Amy stepped into the sleek, modern corridors of Rhysand's company, her eyes caught a glimpse of a striking young woman named Karen.

  Dressed provocatively in a short, figure-hugging dress, Karen moved with a deliberate grace, her eyes fixed intently on Rhysand. Amy's heart tightened with a pang of jealousy as she watched Karen's attempts to engage Rhysand with subtle touches and lingering gazes.

  Rhysand, oblivious to Karen's advances, proceeded with a scheduled meeting, leaving Amy to wait in the reception area. Restless and curious, Amy's attention remained fixated on Karen, who now held a glass of what appeared to be a drink, discreetly mixing something into it. Amy's instincts flared with suspicion as she observed Karen's clandestine actions.

  When Rhysand emerged from the meeting, Karen intercepted him with a coy smile, offering him the tampered drink. Before Amy could process her next move, fueled by a surge of protective instinct, she grabbed a nearby chair and swung it forcefully towards Karen. The impact was resounding as the chair collided with Karen's face, shattering the glass she held and leaving her stunned and bleeding.

  Rhysand's expression morphed from shock to swift action as he swiftly pulled Amy away from the chaos, his hand instinctively wrapping around her waist.

"He is my husband and how dare you!"

"Don't ever_"

  Amy's anger spilled over in a torrent of words, asserting her claim over Rhysand as her husband. The unexpected declaration brought a shy smile to Rhysand's face, even amidst the chaos, as he understood the depth of Amy's emotions.

  In a bold and spontaneous gesture, Amy seized Rhysand's hand in front of Karen, pulling him close and pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss.

  The intensity of her actions left no doubt in Karen's mind that Rhysand belonged solely to Amy. Rhysand, initially taken aback by the suddenness of Amy's move, responded with a mixture of surprise and affection, his heart swelling with admiration for

  Amy's fearless declaration of their bond. Karen, witnessing the embrace, retreated awkwardly, her attempt to vie for Rhysand's attention clearly overshadowed by Amy's unwavering display of love and possession.

As Karen fled from the scene, Rhysand guided Amy out of the tumultuous environment.

  Back at home, amidst the calm of their dining room, they shared a quiet dinner. Rhysand, wanting to ease the tension, invited Amy to sit beside him and gently asked her to recount what had transpired.

  Amy narrated the events with a mixture of lingering frustration and vulnerability, finding solace leaning against Rhysand's shoulder.

  In the warmth of that intimate moment, the air between them softened, their connection deepening with unspoken understanding. With hearts slowly settling, they eventually retired for the night, their bond fortified by the trials they navigated together.

  Amy noticed Rhysand biting his lips, a gesture that caught her attention. She turned away, unsure of its meaning, while Rhysand quietly savored the moment, enjoying the playful tension between them.

Later, in their room, they lay beside each other.

Amy hesitantly, "Rhys, it was a mistake!"

Rhysand gently responded, "It was a sweet mistake and I would never mind if you repeat it in future!"

  Amy blushed at his words and pulled the bedsheet over herself as they settled down to sleep, the air filled with unspoken feelings and the promise of intimacy yet to come.

  As Rhysand watched Amy sleeping peacefully in his arms, a wave of contentment washed over him. Her delicate features softened in slumber, strands of hair cascading gently over her face.

  He marveled at the trust implicit in her gesture, the way her body nestled comfortably against his, as if finding solace in his presence. Her breathing, steady and rhythmic, resonated with a tranquility that mirrored his own inner peace.

  In the dim light filtering through the curtains, Rhysand traced the curve of her cheek with a tender fingertip, marveling at the innocence and strength she embodied.

  Her lashes rested gently against her skin, casting delicate shadows that danced with the flickering candlelight nearby. He couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed by the realization that she had come to understand him in ways he hadn't dared hope.

  Each rise and fall of her chest was a testament to their shared journey, the unspoken bond that had grown between them. Rhysand felt a surge of protectiveness and affection swell within him, a desire to shield her from the world's uncertainties and to nurture the trust they had forged.

  He knew then, in that quiet moment, that his admiration for her ran deeper than words could express, a silent vow to cherish and safeguard their connection for as long as she allowed him to.

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