Chapter Thirty-Nine

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  At the company, Amy meticulously crafted the first part of the presentation, her fingers dancing over the keyboard with confidence and precision. Rhysand watched her, his admiration growing with each passing moment.

  When she finally completed it, he couldn't help but smile, his voice warm with pride as he congratulated her. Their moment of shared triumph was interrupted by Claire's call, summoning them to a nearby dress shop where she was shopping for new outfits.

  Arriving at the boutique, Claire immediately whisked Amy away to the changing rooms, eager for her to try on the dresses she had selected. Rhysand took a seat, anticipation building as he prepared to offer his opinion.

  The first dress was a vibrant red that clung to Amy's curves and stopped just above her knee. When she stepped out, Rhysand's eyes roved over her, his breath catching in his throat.

He cleared it awkwardly, managing to say, "No," though his voice betrayed his struggle to remain composed.

  Amy disappeared behind the curtain again, emerging moments later in a sleek black dress with a provocative open back. Rhysand's eyes widened, his pulse quickening as he took in the sight.

  The dress accentuated every graceful line of her body, leaving him momentarily speechless. He shook his head, his voice barely above a whisper, "No."

  Next, she stepped out in a peach-colored dress that fit her like it was made just for her. The soft fabric hugged her figure perfectly, and Rhysand felt a wave of appreciation wash over him.

"Yes," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration, unable to tear his eyes away.

  The final dress was a stunning grey number with a daring cut-out at her waist. As Amy turned, the glimpse of her bare skin sent a jolt through Rhysand. His mind raced with thoughts of touching her there, his fingers tracing the outline of the fabric.

"Yes," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, his imagination running wild.

  As they made their way down the steps of the boutique, Rhysand could hardly keep his eyes off Amy. Her beauty was a constant distraction, each new dress only intensifying his feelings.

  They reached the car, and Claire, ever the playful spirit, suggested they do a hair flip. Standing by the car, using its windows as mirrors, Claire handed Rhysand her phone to record the moment.

"One, two, three," Claire counted, and both women flipped their hair in unison. Rhysand's heart skipped a beat as Amy's hair cascaded around her, her natural grace leaving him momentarily breathless.

  In the car, Claire put on her headphones, lost in her own world. Amy, sitting beside Rhysand, remarked on the array of buttons on the dashboard, her curiosity evident.

"There are so many, and I like pushing them.", she told tracing her fingers on the buttons.

Rhysand leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper, "You should try unbuttoning them. You'd love it." The words hung in the air, charged with an undeniable tension.

  Amy's cheeks flushed, a small smile playing on her lips as they drove home in a charged silence. Rhysand stole glances at her, each look deepening his desire and admiration. He was captivated by her presence, the way she moved, the way she looked at him. Every moment spent with her only intensified his feelings, and he knew that the line between duty and desire was becoming increasingly blurred.

  That night, after Claire retreated to her room to study, Rhysand and Amy sat down for dinner together. The atmosphere was cozy, a subtle intimacy threading through their shared meal. As they finished eating, Amy, as was her habit, began washing her plate. Rhysand, not wanting her to bear the task alone, brought his plate to the sink as well.

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