Chapter Twenty-Eight

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  The light filtered through the curtains, gently rousing Rhysand from his sleep. He glanced over at Amy, who was still peacefully asleep on the bed. With a soft sigh, he rose from the couch and approached her, hesitant to disturb her rest but knowing they had a busy day ahead.

"Good morning, Amy," he said softly, gently touching her shoulder to wake her.

Amy stirred, blinking sleepily as she turned to face him.

"Good morning," she replied, her voice still heavy with sleep.

Rhysand gave her a small, tentative smile. "I wanted to let you know that we're going to a party tonight. It's a business event, but it should be enjoyable. Claire's excited and wants to join us."

Claire, who had just entered the room with her usual boundless energy, beamed at the news. "Yes, Amy! It'll be fun. We can dress up and enjoy ourselves. I can't wait."

Amy nodded, trying to muster some enthusiasm. "Sure, that sounds nice," she said, her voice lacking its usual warmth.

  Rhysand noticed the lack of a smile on her face, the absence of any real excitement. It was a pattern he was becoming all too familiar with. He wished he could do something to bring genuine joy to her eyes, to see her smile again, but he felt helpless.

  After breakfast, the household buzzed with preparations for the evening's event. Claire was a whirlwind of activity, picking out dresses and discussing hairstyles with Amy, who went along with her suggestions with quiet acquiescence.

  As the day wore on, Rhysand found himself reflecting on his feelings. The sight of Amy, so beautiful yet so distant, weighed heavily on his heart. He wanted her to be happy, to share in the excitement and joy that Claire so effortlessly exuded. But every attempt to bridge the gap between them seemed to fall short.

  As the sun dipped, casting the world in shades of pink and orange, the household began to prepare for the party. Claire was a vision of excitement, her happiness contagious. She flitted around Amy, helping her with her dress and makeup, chattering animatedly about how much fun they would have.

  Amy stood before the mirror, her reflection showing a beautiful woman in an elegant dress. Yet, her eyes remained clouded with a melancholy that no amount of makeup could conceal. She glanced at Claire, whose enthusiasm was genuine and heartfelt, and felt a pang of guilt for not being able to share in it.

"Thank you, Claire," Amy said softly, appreciating her sister-in-law's efforts.

Claire smiled brightly.

"You're welcome, Amy. You look stunning. We're going to have a great time tonight, I promise."

  Rhysand entered the room, dressed in a sharp suit, and his breath caught at the sight of Amy. She was exquisite, yet the sadness in her eyes dulled her beauty for him.

He approached her, offering his arm. "Shall we go?"

  Amy nodded, but she walked before him avoiding his hand. Claire followed, her excitement palpable as she continued to chat about the evening ahead.

  As they drove to the party, the city lights flashing by, Rhysand stole glances at Amy. He could see the effort she was making to appear engaged, but the disconnect between her exterior and her true feelings was evident. It pained him to see her like this, knowing that despite his best efforts, he had not been able to reach her heart.

  The venue was grand, the party already in full swing when they arrived. Music filled the air, and the room buzzed with conversation and laughter. Claire immediately immersed herself in the lively atmosphere, her happiness a bright spot in the evening.

  Amy stayed by Rhysand's side, her demeanor composed but distant. He introduced her to colleagues and business associates, each interaction a reminder of the facade they maintained. Throughout the evening, he remained acutely aware of her presence, his feelings of love and longing mingling with the sadness of her unreciprocated emotions.

  As the night progressed, Rhysand couldn't help but watch Amy, admiring her grace and beauty even in her reserved state. He wished for a moment that could break through her barriers, something that would allow her to see him not just as a necessity but as someone who deeply cared for her.

  Claire, noticing the tension between her brother and Amy, tried to lighten the mood. She engaged Amy in conversation, drawing her into the festivities with her infectious spirit. For brief moments, Amy's responses seemed more genuine, but the underlying sadness never fully disappeared.

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