Chapter Forty

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  The next morning, they arrived at the company with a sense of shared purpose. Amy stood at the front of the room, preparing to give a presentation on the company's journey. Rhysand took his place at the back, his eyes fixed on her.

  As she began to speak, her voice steady and confident, he couldn't help but marvel at her transformation. She was no longer the frightened girl he had once known, but a poised and capable woman who commanded the room's attention.

  Rhysand's gaze lingered on her, tracing the elegant lines of her figure, the way her hair cascaded over her shoulders, and the subtle grace with which she moved. He admired her intellect, the way she articulated the company's vision and history, and the passion that shone through her words.

  Every now and then, she would glance his way, and he would offer a reassuring smile, feeling a swell of pride and affection that was becoming harder to contain.

  As Amy continued, Rhysand's mind wandered to the moments they had shared, each memory a testament to the bond that had formed between them. He thought of the nights they had spent together, the unspoken understanding that had grown with each passing day.

  He remembered the softness of her touch, the warmth of her presence, and the way she had begun to trust him. His admiration for her was not just about her beauty or her intellect, but about the strength and resilience she had shown throughout their journey.

  When she finished the presentation, Amy looked out at the room, her eyes meeting Rhysand's. He saw a flicker of relief and pride in her gaze, and he knew that she felt the same connection he did.

"You did great Amy", he whispered it when she turned towards him.

  As the applause filled the room, Rhysand's heart swelled with a deep, abiding love for her. He was captivated by her in every way, and he knew that he would do anything to keep her by his side.

  After the presentation, Amy mingled with the new employees, answering their questions and helping them settle in.

  Richard was among them, lingering longer than necessary, asking her silly doubts that barely masked his true intentions. His eyes traced her from bottom to top, a gaze that did not go unnoticed by Rhysand. He watched from a distance, his jaw tightening with each passing moment.

  Rhysand decided to make his presence known. He approached Amy, his movements purposeful, and spoke a little louder than usual so that Richard could hear.

"I like our morning cuddle," he said, his voice filled with warmth as he wrapped his arm around her waist and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  Amy blushed, her elbow gently nudging his chest in a playful reprimand, but there was no mistaking the affection in her eyes.

  Richard's expression darkened, his jealousy evident. Rhysand took satisfaction in the visible reaction, pleased that his display of affection had hit its mark.

  He wanted everyone, especially Richard, to know that Amy was his, that their connection was deep and unbreakable. From the moment he had first laid eyes on her, Rhysand had known she was special, and he would not tolerate anyone else looking at her the way Richard did.

  As the other new employees dispersed, Rhysand tightened his hold on Amy, his possessiveness clear.

He leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "You're mine, and I won't let anyone come between us."

  Amy's heart raced at his words, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She knew Rhysand's love was fierce and consuming, and as much as it overwhelmed her, it also made her feel undeniably cherished and protected.

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