Chapter Forty-Seven

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  Amy's feelings for Rhysand deepened with every passing moment, especially as she saw him in his most vulnerable state. She had always known him as a strong, composed man, someone who exuded confidence and power.

  But now, seeing him broken, raw with grief, she felt a fierce protectiveness and a profound love she hadn't fully realized before.

  As she consoled him, holding him close, whispering soothing words into his ear, she felt their bond strengthen. She wanted to be his rock, the one he could lean on when the world became too much to bear.

  Her heart ached for him, and every tear he shed felt like a wound in her own heart. She brushed his hair back gently, her fingers trembling with the weight of his sorrow.

"I'm here for you," she repeated softly, the words a promise as much to herself as to him.

  Her empathy extended to Claire as well, who was equally devastated by the loss. Amy offered her the same unwavering support, understanding that they both needed her strength. She moved between them, providing comfort and solace, her love and compassion wrapping around them like a warm blanket.

  As Amy tidied up Rhysand's father's room, she moved methodically, her thoughts elsewhere. The room was filled with mementos of a life lived with vigor, now eerily quiet. As she straightened a pile of papers on the desk, something glinted in the soft light filtering through the curtains.

  Her breath caught when she saw it: a delicate, intricately designed bangle. She picked it up, the cool metal warming quickly in her palm.

  It was unmistakable; this bangle belonged to Daisy Karter, wife of Karter. Amy's mind raced as she tried to piece together how it could have ended up here.

  Daisy Karter was not a friend to the Archers, and her presence in this room, even in the form of a forgotten bangle, suggested something more sinister. Amy's heart pounded as she considered the implications.

Had Daisy been here recently? Could she have had something to do with Rhysand's father's death?

  She turned the bangle over in her hands, examining the intricate designs as if they could tell her more. Memories flooded back of Daisy's flirtatious nature and her cunning ways. This was no accident; Daisy had left the bangle here for a reason.

  Amy knew she needed to confront this discovery. She couldn't keep it to herself, especially with the current fragile state of affairs. But she also realized that approaching Rhysand with this information required tact. The death of his father was still a raw wound, and implicating someone close to the Karter family could escalate tensions dangerously.

  Deciding on her next move, Amy placed the bangle carefully into a drawer, ensuring it was hidden but easily accessible. She would need to gather more evidence and understand the full scope of Daisy's involvement before confronting Rhysand. But she couldn't shake the feeling that this was a key piece in a larger, darker puzzle.

  As she closed the drawer, Amy's resolve hardened. She would protect Rhysand and his family at any cost, even if it meant uncovering secrets that others wanted to remain buried. Daisy Karter had made a mistake leaving the bangle behind, and Amy intended to find out why.

  The days passed, she watched Rhysand gradually regain his composure. His sorrow, while still present, began to lift, replaced by a quiet determination. Amy was by his side through it all, her presence a constant source of encouragement.

  She admired his resilience, his ability to face such profound loss and still move forward. Her feelings for him were a complex mix of admiration, love, and a deep-seated need to protect and support him.

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