Chapter Thirty-Five

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  The morning sun streamed through the windows of Rhysand's mansion, casting a warm glow over the elegantly furnished rooms. Amy was already up, her mind still occupied with the events of the previous night. She moved through the kitchen, preparing a simple breakfast, when the doorbell rang, its chime echoing through the quiet house.

  Rhysand emerged from his study, his curiosity piqued. He walked to the door and opened it to reveal a well-dressed couple standing on the front step. The man was tall and broad-shouldered, with an easy smile and a familiar twinkle in his eyes. The woman beside him was graceful and poised, her eyes warm and welcoming.

"Rhysand!" the man exclaimed, stepping forward to embrace him. "It's been too long."

Rhysand returned the embrace with a genuine smile. "Connor, it has indeed. What brings you here so early?"

  Connor stepped back, revealing a small, elegantly embossed envelope in his hand. "We're hosting a party tonight and would be honored if you and Amy could join us." He handed the invitation to Rhysand, who took it with a nod.

Amy approached, curious about the visitors. Connor introduced his wife, Elise, who greeted Amy with a friendly smile. "We've heard so much about you," Elise said warmly. "We hope you both can make it."

Rhysand glanced at Amy, then back at Connor and Elise. "Thank you for the invitation. We'll be there."

Connor's smile widened. "Excellent! It starts at eight. We'll see you then."

  With warm goodbyes exchanged, the couple departed, leaving Amy and Rhysand standing in the foyer. Amy looked at the invitation, her thoughts swirling.

"A party," she mused. "I suppose it could be a nice change of pace."

  Rhysand nodded, slipping the invitation into his pocket. "Connor and I go way back. It'll be good to catch up with him, and it might help us take our minds off recent events."

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