Chapter Sixteen

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  News of Amy's impending marriage to Rhysand Archer spread through the city like wildfire, eventually reaching the opulent Karter mansion. The atmosphere was tense as Richard Karter paced the length of his study, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. His father, Gakxel, had made swift decisions—canceling all shares from the Archer Innova Tech Group and forbidding Richard from seeing Amy. The orders were clear and unyielding.

  Richard clenched his fists, his knuckles white with frustration. He had known Amy since they were children, their families intertwining through business and social circles.

  Over the years, his feelings for her had deepened into something more profound, something that he had hoped would one day blossom into a future together. But now, with this sudden announcement, his dreams seemed to be slipping away.

  He stood at the window, staring out at the city's skyline, which was blurred by his turbulent thoughts. His heart ached with a mixture of sorrow and helplessness.

  He had imagined a different future for Amy, one where she was free to choose her own path, her own partner. Instead, she was being forced into a marriage with Rhysand, a man whose ruthless reputation was well known. The thought of Amy trapped in a loveless union filled Richard with despair.

  His father's decision was calculated, a move to distance their family from the Archers' influence and the chaos that seemed to surround them.

Gakxel's stern warning echoed in Richard's mind: "Stay away from Amy. This fight will bring you nothing but death." Richard knew his father was right.

  Rhysand Archer was not a man to be trifled with. Defying him could have grave consequences, not just for Richard, but for his entire family.

  Despite the looming threat, Richard's loyalty to Amy ran deep. He couldn't bring himself to abandon her completely. He understood her better than anyone else, knew the depths of her kindness and the strength of her spirit. She was more than just a business partner or a family friend; she was the woman he loved, and the thought of her suffering tore at his soul.

  But Richard was pragmatic. He recognized the futility of open defiance. Fighting Rhysand directly was a death sentence, and he had to think about his family's safety as well. Accepting his father's orders was not a betrayal of Amy, but a strategic withdrawal. He needed to find another way, a way that wouldn't end in his own destruction.

  Sitting at his desk, Richard felt a profound sense of frustration and helplessness. He had to distance himself, at least publicly, from Amy. But privately, his resolve to protect her remained unshaken. He would watch over her from afar, ready to intervene if her situation became unbearable. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but he had no other choice.

  Richard took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions within him. He would respect his father's wishes, but he would never truly abandon Amy. His love for her was too strong, too deep. He would find a way to be there for her, even if it meant staying in the shadows, always watching, always waiting for the moment when she needed him most.

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