Chapter Forty-Nine

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  Amy drove to a quiet café on the outskirts of the city. She spotted Daisy sitting at a corner table, looking as elegant as ever. Daisy's eyes widened in surprise as Amy approached.

"Amy," Daisy said, standing up to greet her. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"I needed to talk to you," Amy replied, taking a seat across from her.

"I found something that belongs to you."

  She pulled the bangle from her bag and placed it on the table. Daisy's expression shifted from surprise to apprehension.

"Where did you find this?" Daisy asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"In Rhysand's father's room," Amy said, watching Daisy's reaction closely.

"I need to know what happened."

Daisy took a deep breath, "Follow me, Amy"

  Amy followed Daisy into her house, the cozy façade doing little to calm her growing unease. The charming décor, the warm lighting – all felt like a deceitful mask hiding something sinister. She glanced around, the familiar yet unsettling surroundings stirring a sense of foreboding deep within her.

  Rhysand, ever the protector, had sensed the same unease. He had secretly followed them, his instincts warning him of the danger Amy might face.

  As Amy stepped into the living room, she was abruptly struck from behind. The force of the blow sent her crashing to the floor, her vision blurring as she tried to make sense of what had just happened.

She turned her head slowly, her gaze meeting Daisy's malevolent eyes.

"You will not love my son, Richard," Daisy hissed, her voice dripping with venom.

"I need to watch everything and cry as you make them end up in jail. That's why I infiltrated Rhysand's mansion as a servant and killed his father."

  Amy's mind raced, struggling to process Daisy's chilling confession. The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. Daisy's meticulous planning, her ruthless execution – it all made sense now. But it was too late. Amy was at her mercy, helpless and vulnerable.

  Suddenly, the front door burst open. Rhysand stormed in, his eyes blazing with fury and determination. He quickly assessed the situation, his protective instincts taking over.

  Without hesitation, he grabbed a metal rod from the corner of the room and struck Daisy, the impact sending her sprawling to the ground. His rage boiled over as he delivered blow after blow until she was incapacitated, unable to harm Amy any further.

  Breathing heavily, Rhysand dropped the rod and swiftly called the police, his voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through him. He informed them of the situation, ensuring that help was on the way. Then, he rushed to Amy's side, gently lifting her in his arms. She was unconscious but breathing, and he knew he had to get her to the hospital immediately.

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