Chapter Twenty-Nine

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  The party was in full swing, the room filled with laughter, music, and the hum of conversation. The venue's grand ballroom glittered under the chandeliers, casting a warm glow over the elegantly dressed guests. Rhysand and Amy mingled with the crowd, exchanging polite greetings and making small talk with business associates.

  Claire, ever the social butterfly, flitted from group to group, her infectious enthusiasm lighting up the room. Amy tried to immerse herself in the festivities, but her thoughts often wandered, her smile never quite reaching her eyes.

  As the night progressed, a sudden commotion near the pool area caught everyone's attention. A young boy, no older than five, had slipped and fallen into the pool. Panic spread through the crowd as the boy flailed in the water, his cries for help muffled by the splashing.

  Without a moment's hesitation, Amy sprang into action. She kicked off her heels and rushed to the pool's edge, diving in with a graceful arc. The cold water enveloped her, but her focus remained solely on the struggling child. Within moments, she reached him, wrapping her arms around his small frame and pulling him to the surface.

  Guests watched in a mix of awe and relief as Amy brought the boy safely to the edge of the pool. Helping hands reached down to pull them out, and the boy's parents rushed forward, their faces etched with gratitude.

"Thank you, thank you so much," the mother cried, hugging her son tightly.

The father looked at Amy with profound gratitude. "You saved his life."

Amy, shivering slightly from the cold, smiled and nodded. "I'm just glad he's okay."

  As the crowd began to disperse, the excitement dying down, Amy's gaze fell on Rhysand. He stood a few feet away, his face pale, eyes wide with fear. He looked as if he had seen a ghost, his usual composure shattered.

Concerned, Amy made her way over to him.

"Rhysand, are you okay?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Rhysand's eyes met hers, and he forced a weak smile. "I'm fine," he said, but his voice lacked conviction.

Claire, who had been watching the scene unfold, approached them. She placed a comforting hand on Amy's shoulder. "You were amazing, Amy. Truly."

Amy nodded, but her attention remained on Rhysand. "Claire, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Claire glanced at her brother, then nodded.

"Of course. Let's step outside."

Once they were away from the crowd, Amy turned to Claire, her worry evident. "What's going on with Rhysand? I've never seen him like this."

  Claire sighed, her expression somber. "Rhysand has aquaphobia. It's something he's struggled with for years. Seeing someone in the water, especially in distress, it brings back... difficult memories for him."

Amy's eyes widened in understanding. "I had no idea."

"It's not something he talks about much," Claire explained. "But it's a real fear for him. He tries to stay away from pools or any large bodies of water."

  Amy felt a pang of sympathy for Rhysand. She had seen him face countless challenges with unwavering strength, but this was something deeper, more personal.

"Thank you for telling me, Claire."

Claire gave her a reassuring smile. "You're welcome. Just be patient with him, okay? He cares about you a lot."

  As they returned to the party, Amy's mind was awhirl with this new understanding of Rhysand. She saw him in a new light, his vulnerability making him seem more human, more real. She resolved to be more understanding, to try and bridge the gap between them.

  Later that night, as they drove home, the atmosphere in the car was heavy with unspoken words. Rhysand stared out the window, lost in his thoughts, while Amy sat quietly beside him, her mind replaying the events of the evening.

When they arrived home, Claire gave them both a warm hug before heading to her room. "Goodnight, you two. And Amy, thank you again for what you did tonight."

"Goodnight, Claire," Amy replied, watching her disappear down the hallway.

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