Chapter Thirty-Eight

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  At the company, Rhysand asked Amy to prepare a presentation for the new employees, detailing the company's journey, its partners, and its achievements. "I want you to make it engaging," he said, handing her a stack of files. "You're good at that."

  Amy nodded, her mind already racing with ideas. Meanwhile, Richard, observing the interaction from a distance, felt a pang of jealousy. He had noticed how Rhysand's eyes lingered on Amy, a clear sign of his growing affection.

"Please don't fire Richard," Amy had pleaded earlier, and Rhysand had reluctantly agreed, though his eyes revealed a hint of frustration.

  Throughout the day, as Amy worked diligently on the presentation, Rhysand couldn't help but steal glances at her. Her concentration, her grace, and the way she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear—all captivated him. He found reasons to pass by her desk, offering help and providing more information.

  As the evening drew near, Amy had completed half of the presentation, focusing on the company's journey.

The office was growing quiet, and Rhysand finally suggested, "Why don't you finish the rest at home? It's getting late."

She nodded.

  Back at their home, Amy changed into a soft silk dress that accentuated her curves, the fabric clinging delicately to her body. She settled at the dining table with her laptop, continuing her work. Rhysand, sitting on the couch, watched her intently, every movement drawing him in.

  Amy struggled with inserting an image into the presentation, an issue she could have easily resolved, but she wanted Rhysand's help.

"Rhys, can you help me with this? I can't seem to figure it out."

  He moved to her side, sitting on the chair. As he leaned over to adjust the image, Amy leaned down too, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. Rhysand froze, the warmth of her touch sending shivers down his spine. Her scent, a delicate mix of floral and something uniquely Amy, enveloped him, making it hard to concentrate.

"Like this?" he asked, his voice slightly hoarse.

"Yes, but... could you make it a bit smaller?" she replied, her breath warm against his ear. The proximity was intoxicating, the tension between them crackling like electricity.

  Rhysand adjusted the image, but his thoughts were a whirlwind of desire and restraint. Amy's touch, her closeness, was driving him to the edge. He glanced up, and their eyes met, a charged moment where time seemed to stand still. Her gaze was soft yet intense, and he could see the flicker of something deeper in her eyes.

"Thank you Rhys" Amy said, her voice barely a whisper. She didn't move her hand from his shoulder, and he didn't want her to.

  The air between them was thick with unspoken words, a delicate balance of attraction and uncertainty.

Rhysand leaned back slightly, trying to regain his composure. "Anything else you need help with?"

Amy smiled, a small, knowing smile. "No, I think that's all for now."

He stood up, reluctantly breaking the contact. "Alright, let me know if you need anything."

  As he returned to the couch, his heart was still racing, his mind replaying the moment over and over. Amy resumed her work, but her thoughts were scattered, her heart beating just as fast. The tension between them was undeniable, a slow-burning flame that threatened to ignite at any moment.

  And as the night wore on, both knew that their relationship had shifted once again, inching closer to a boundary that neither was quite ready to cross, but both longed to explore.

  Amy worked late into the night, the house silent except for the soft click of her keyboard. Rhysand had fallen asleep on the couch, but around two-thirty in the morning, he woke up. The room was dim, the only light coming from the small lamp on the dining table where Amy was hunched over, fast asleep.

  Rhysand stood and walked quietly over to her, his heart softening at the sight. Gently, he brushed a strand of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He then carefully lifted her in his arms, carrying her to their room.

  When Rhysand gently laid Amy down on the bed, he couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. The dim light cast a soft glow on her face, highlighting the delicate features that captivated him so deeply. Her long lashes brushed against her cheeks, and her lips, slightly parted in sleep, had a serene, almost ethereal quality. He felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to trace the contours of her face with his fingertips, to memorize every line and curve. Her hair, splayed out on the pillow like a dark halo, added to the enchanting image before him.

  He stood there for a moment, unable to tear his eyes away from her. The room was quiet, the only sound the gentle rhythm of her breathing. In that stillness, Rhysand felt a profound sense of peace, a connection that went beyond words.

  He marveled at how someone could be so strong and resilient yet possess such delicate beauty. The sight of her, vulnerable and at rest, stirred something deep within him, a desire to protect her, to be the one she turned to in moments of need.

  As he leaned closer, adjusting the blanket around her, the faint scent of her perfume reached him—a subtle, intoxicating fragrance that was uniquely hers. It brought back memories of their shared moments, both tense and tender, and he realized just how much she had come to mean to him. The way she challenged him, supported him, and slowly opened up to him had created a bond he had never anticipated. Her beauty was not just in her physical appearance but in her spirit, her strength, and her compassion.

  Just as he was about to straighten up and leave, Amy's hand reached out and grasped his. The touch was light, almost imperceptible, but it sent a jolt through him. She pulled his hand closer, holding it as if it were a lifeline, and he couldn't bring himself to break the connection.

  Instead, he climbed into bed beside her, careful not to wake her. As he lay there, feeling the warmth of her hand in his, he knew he was irrevocably drawn to her—not just her beauty, but everything she represented. And as he drifted off to sleep, he felt a contentment he hadn't known in years, all because of the woman sleeping peacefully beside him.

  The morning sun crept into the room, casting a soft glow on the bed. Amy stirred and slowly opened her eyes, finding herself wrapped in Rhysand's arms, his hand resting protectively around her waist. A feeling of happiness washed over her as she realized he had carried her to bed. She gently tried to lift his hand, but he tightened his grip slightly, murmuring softly.

She turned towards him, her heart fluttering. "Rhys?" she whispered.

Rhysand opened his eyes and smiled. "Can we stay like this a little longer?"

  Amy nodded with a smile, savoring the closeness. They lay there for a few more minutes, enjoying the quiet intimacy. Finally, she spoke. "I need to finish the presentation."

Rhysand smiled and replied, "I completed the first half while you were sleeping."

Her eyes lit up with gratitude. "But...I think we'll be late for work."

He chuckled, his grip around her waist still firm. "Let them wait."

Their moment was interrupted by Claire's enthusiastic voice echoing through the house. "Rhysand! Amy! Come here!"

They got up and went outside the room to find Claire beaming with pride. "I did my first surgery, and the patient is healthy!"

Amy hugged her tightly. "Congratulations, Claire! That's wonderful news!"

  Rhysand also congratulated his sister, sharing in her joy. The house was filled with a sense of accomplishment and warmth. Soon, they prepared to leave for the company, each caught up in the excitement and promise of the new day.

  As they arrived at the company, Rhysand and Amy's bond felt stronger, a silent understanding passing between them. They were more than just colleagues or forced partners—they were becoming something more, something that neither could fully grasp yet, but both were beginning to cherish deeply.

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