Chapter Twenty-Three

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  The next day dawned with a pale, muted light, casting long shadows across the mansion's grounds. Amy prepared herself for the day ahead, feeling a mix of apprehension and determination. Rhysand had invited her to visit his company, a gesture that felt both like an olive branch and a subtle assertion of their new reality.

  As they drove through the bustling streets of Nimers City, Amy's thoughts were a whirlwind of anxiety and curiosity. The city's familiar sights and sounds felt strangely distant, as if she were seeing them through a veil of uncertainty. Rhysand drove with practiced ease, his gaze focused ahead, yet she sensed an underlying tension in his demeanor.

  The car slowed as they approached a once-familiar corner. Amy's heart skipped a beat when she saw her father's company building, now starkly abandoned and sealed off. Bright red notices were plastered across the doors and windows, declaring the premises closed by order of the authorities.

  Her breath caught in her throat, and she turned to Rhysand, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and dismay.

"Why is my father's company closed?" she asked, her voice trembling.

  Rhysand's expression softened slightly, though his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "There were financial issues that your father couldn't resolve and your partner left with shares so," he explained carefully. "It was either this or face legal action. I have sent my men to find the exact problem."

  Amy stared at the closed building, her mind racing. The company had been her father's pride and joy, a symbol of their resilience and hard work. Seeing it shuttered felt like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of the sacrifices they had made.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded, her voice rising with a mix of anger and hurt. "I deserved to know."

Rhysand sighed, glancing at her with a look of genuine regret. "I didn't want to burden you with more worries. You've been through enough."

  The rest of the drive to Rhysand's company was shrouded in a heavy silence. Amy's thoughts were a tangled mess of emotions—anger at being kept in the dark, sadness for her father's loss, and a creeping sense of helplessness in the face of their new reality.

  When they arrived at the sleek, modern building that housed Rhysand's company, Amy couldn't help but feel a stark contrast between this place and the shuttered remains of her father's business. The lobby was a hive of activity, with employees bustling about, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and focus.

  Rhysand led her through the corridors, introducing her to key staff members and showing her around the various departments. The atmosphere was professional, almost clinical, a far cry from the warmth and camaraderie she had known in her father's company.

  As they walked, Rhysand kept a close eye on her, sensing her discomfort. "I know this is a lot to take in," he said gently, stopping by a large window that offered a panoramic view of the city. "But I want you to feel welcome here. This is as much your place now as it is mine."

  Amy nodded absently, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The city's skyline seemed to blur into a haze of uncertainty, mirroring the turmoil within her. She appreciated Rhysand's efforts to include her, but the weight of her father's company's closure hung heavy over her heart.

  She stood by the window, she silently vowed to uncover the full truth behind the closure, to piece together the fragments of their disrupted lives.

  The rest of the day unfolded in a blur of introductions and explanations as Rhysand guided Amy through the inner workings of his company. The sleek, modern office was a far cry from the warm, bustling environment of her father's business, but it was clear that Rhysand's enterprise was a well-oiled machine, driven by efficiency and precision.

  As the tour concluded, Rhysand led Amy to his spacious office, its floor-to-ceiling windows offering a commanding view of Nimers City. He gestured for her to sit in one of the comfortable chairs across from his desk.

"Amy," he began, his tone measured and thoughtful, "I know this is all new and overwhelming for you. But I believe that you have a lot to offer here."

"If you're willing, I would like to appoint you as my personal assistant."

Amy blinked in surprise, taken aback by the sudden proposition. "Your personal assistant?" she repeated, trying to gauge his intentions.

  Rhysand nodded, his gaze steady. "Yes. I think it would be beneficial for you to be directly involved in the company. You'll learn how everything operates, and it will give you a sense of purpose. Plus, having you close by will allow us to work together on any issues that arise."

  She considered his words carefully. Despite her initial reservations, the idea of working in the company intrigued her. It was an opportunity to understand Rhysand better, to uncover the nuances of his world, and perhaps to find a way to bridge the gap between their disparate lives. She found that this might help in repaying his debt, faster.

"Okay," she said finally, her voice firm with resolve. "I'll do it."

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