Chapter Twenty-Four

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  Richard stood outside the towering glass edifice of Rhysand's company, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nerves. Today was the day he had been preparing for—a pivotal interview that could make him know about Amy. He adjusted his tie, took a deep breath, and stepped through the revolving doors into the bustling lobby.

  The atmosphere inside was a stark contrast to the quiet tension he felt. Employees moved with purpose, their expressions focused and determined. Richard checked in at the reception desk and was directed to the elevator that would take him to the upper floors where the interviews were being held.

  As the elevator ascended, Richard's mind raced with thoughts of the potential opportunity. He had done his research and knew Rhysand's company was a powerhouse in the industry, renowned for its innovation and leadership. It was exactly the kind of environment he wanted to be a part of.

  The elevator doors opened with a soft chime, and Richard stepped out into a sleek corridor lined with glass walls. He followed the directions given to him, approaching the waiting area outside the conference rooms. As he rounded a corner, he paused, his breath catching in his throat.

There, walking just a few paces behind Rhysand, was Amy.

  Richard's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't seen her since the day she married Rhysand, a union that had shattered his hopes and left him grappling with unspoken feelings. Seeing her now, sent a jolt of emotions surging through him.

  Amy's demeanor was composed and professional as she followed Rhysand, her gaze focused on the tablet in her hands. She hadn't noticed him yet, and for a moment, Richard was frozen, torn between the desire to approach her and the need to maintain his composure for the upcoming interview.

  Rhysand stopped in front of a door, turning to speak to Amy. "I'll need those reports by the end of the day," he instructed, his tone firm but not unkind.

Amy nodded, making a note on her tablet. "I'll have them ready," she replied, her voice steady.

  As Rhysand turned to enter the room, Amy finally glanced up, her eyes scanning the corridor. Her gaze landed on Richard, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Recognition and surprise flickered across her face, quickly masked by a professional facade.

"Richard?" she said, her voice a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

He stepped forward, managing a tight smile.

"Amy. How are you?"

  Rhysand, noticing the exchange, paused and looked between them. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes held a hint of curiosity.

"You must be Richard?" he asked, his tone neutral.

Amy nodded, recovering her composure. "Yes, he is."

Rhysand gave a curt nod, his attention shifting back to Richard. "Are you here for the interview?"

"Yes," Richard replied, standing a bit straighter. "I am."

"Well, let's see your performance" Rhysand said, his words polite but distant. "Amy, we'll continue this discussion later."

She left behind Rhysand.

  Richard sat in the waiting area, his mind racing with the unexpected encounter with Amy. He never discussed this interview with his father, as he never want him to involve with Amy or Rhysand. He had little time to dwell on it, though, as the interview process quickly began. He was ushered into a sleek conference room, where a panel of interviewers awaited him. The questions came fast, probing his knowledge, experience, and vision for his future with the company.

  Hours later, after a rigorous and exhausting process, Richard finally stepped out of the interview room. He was drained but cautiously optimistic. The interview had gone well, and he felt confident in his answers and the impression he had made.

  As he waited for the final decision, Richard's thoughts kept drifting back to Amy. Seeing her had stirred up so many emotions, and he couldn't shake the image of her standing in the corridor, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and something else he couldn't quite place.

  A few days later, Richard received the mail he had been hoping for. He had been selected for the position. Excitement and relief washed over him as he thanked the HR manager and confirmed his start date. he managed his father by mentioning, his new start up. He never wanted his father to know that he works under Rhysand.

  The next Monday, Richard walked into Rhysand's company as a new employee. He was directed to his new workspace, a modern, open-concept office that buzzed with activity. As he settled in, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves about what lay ahead.

  Mid-morning, as Richard was familiarizing himself with his new role, he spotted Amy walking through the office. She looked focused, her attention on the papers in her hands. Mustering his courage, Richard approached her.

"Amy," he called softly.

She looked up, a smile breaking through her professional facade when she saw him.

"Richard, congratulations on getting the job!"

"Thanks," he replied, grinning.

Amy's smile faltered slightly, but she quickly recovered. "It's nice to see a familiar face around here."

  As he navigated the complexities of his new role, he couldn't help but notice the close working relationship between Amy and Rhysand. It wasn't just professional; there was a personal familiarity between them that gnawed at him. A twinge of jealousy surged through Richard. He tried to push it aside, telling himself that this was her life now, a reality he had to accept. But it wasn't easy.

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