Chapter Forty-Three

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Amy broke to her father.

  In the somber confines of the police station waiting room, Amy sat opposite her father, Rile Kingstone, their expressions weighed down by the gravity of recent revelations.

"I can't believe it," Rile murmured, his voice heavy with disbelief. "Gakxel was behind everything."

  Amy nodded slowly, her mind racing with the implications of Gakxel Karter's betrayal. "He manipulated us," she said, her tone tinged with a mix of anger and betrayal. "All this time, he was scheming to take over our company."

  Rile's brow furrowed, lines of worry etched deeply into his features. "I trusted him," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I trusted him with everything."

  They sat in a heavy silence, the weight of Gakxel's deception settling between them like an unspoken accusation. It was hard for them to comprehend how someone they had considered a trusted ally could harbor such treacherous intentions.

"But how did we not see it?" Amy wondered aloud, her voice filled with frustration.

  Rile shook his head slowly, his thoughts darkened by the realization. "He played us," he said, his tone bitter with betrayal. "He hid his true intentions until it was too late."

"Dad, Gakxel said Rhysand was behind everything," she said, her voice breaking. "I don't know what to believe anymore."

  Rile, a man of wisdom and experience, looked at his daughter with calm understanding. He had seen the world in shades of gray, and he knew that truth was often hidden beneath layers of deception.

"Amy, I know you're hurt and confused right now," he began gently, taking her hand in his.

"But I don't believe Rhysand would do that to you."

Amy looked at her father, searching his eyes for the reassurance she desperately needed.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Rile sighed, recalling the countless moments he'd observed between Amy and Rhysand.

"I've seen the way Rhysand looks at you, Amy. The love he has for you is real. It's not something that can be faked. And I've also seen how he's fought to protect you and our family. He's not the man Gakxel is making him out to be."

Amy's mind raced, conflicting emotions warring within her. She wanted to believe her father, to trust in the love she had felt from Rhysand.

But the doubt planted by Gakxel's words was like a thorn in her heart, constantly pricking at her trust.

"Then what do I do, Dad?" she asked, feeling lost and vulnerable.

Rile squeezed her hand, his eyes filled with determination.

"You need to find the truth, Amy. Don't let Gakxel's lies tear apart what you and Rhysand have built. Investigate, question everything, and don't make any decisions until you're absolutely certain."

Amy nodded slowly, taking in her father's advice. She knew he was right. She couldn't let doubt and fear dictate her actions.

She had to uncover the truth, no matter how painful the journey might be. And deep down, a part of her still believed in Rhysand, the man who had shown her love and protection.

"Remember, Amy," he said softly, "sometimes love means fighting for what you believe in, even when it's hard."

  With her father's words echoing in her heart, Amy set out on her mission. She would seek the truth and, in doing so, hopefully find her way back to Rhysand.

  The next day dawned heavy with unresolved tension and lingering heartache. Amy moved through her morning routine in a daze, her thoughts consumed by the events of the previous day.

  Determined to find clarity, she decided to visit Gilbert, hoping he could shed light on the situation with Gakxel. When she found him, her voice was a mixture of desperation and hope.

"Gilbert, do you know Gakxel?" she implored, her eyes searching his for answers.

"The name...The name I heard when I was threatened".

The revelation hit Amy like a physical blow, a mixture of relief and guilt washing over her.

She thanked Gilbert and hurried to the company, her heart pounding with a mixture of anxiety and anticipation.

  As the elevator doors slid open, Amy's breath caught in her throat. There stood Rhysand, his eyes weary yet filled with hope.

"I was waiting so that I can see you," he said softly, his voice carrying the weight of the past days' anguish.

  Without a word, Amy crossed the distance between them and threw her arms around him, her tears flowing freely. The embrace was desperate, a collision of relief and sorrow.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered against his chest, her voice trembling.

"I should have trusted you. I should have believed in us."

  Rhysand's arms tightened around her, his touch both comforting and grounding. The scent of him, the warmth of his body, all of it felt like home, and she realized how much she had missed it.

Rhysand pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes.

"When I first saw you," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "I felt something I'd never felt before. I was drawn to you, not because of your name, but because of who you are. I never knew you were Rile's daughter, but it wouldn't have mattered. I fell in love with Amy, the woman who captivated me from the very first moment."

  Tears continued to stream down Amy's face, but now they were mixed with a profound sense of joy.

"I love you too," she whispered, her voice breaking. "And I'm so sorry for doubting you. For letting my fear get in the way of our love."

Rhysand cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs gently brushing away her tears.

"What's important is that we're here now," he said softly.

"We have each other, and nothing can take that away."

  Their foreheads touched, and for a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. It was just the two of them, entwined in a love that had withstood trials and misunderstandings. Amy felt a sense of peace she hadn't known in days, a deep certainty that they could overcome anything as long as they were together.

"It was Gakxel", she told.

"What?", his words in confussion.

"The one who threatened Gilbert to do, it was Gakxel", she looked upon him.

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