Chapter Forty-Eight

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  The next day brought a sense of completion and relief. With Gakxel and Richard behind bars, a cloud lifted from their lives. Amy's father, Rile, saw the undeniable care Rhysand had for his daughter, understanding at last the depth of his feelings.

  Amy's eyes fell upon the contract papers lying on Rhysand's desk. A chill ran down her spine as she realized what they represented—the finite days of their agreement, the countdown to an uncertain future. She picked them up and walked over to where Rhysand stood, his expression unreadable.

"What's this, Rhys?" she asked softly, holding the papers between them.

Rhysand looked at her, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

"The days are so less for us," he said quietly, the weight of his words hanging in the air.

  Without hesitation, Amy tore the papers in half, her resolve unwavering. The pieces fluttered to the floor like fallen leaves, symbolizing the end of the contract and the beginning of something real and unbound. She looked up at Rhysand, determination and love shining in her eyes.

"We don't need these," she said firmly. "Our time together isn't limited by a piece of paper."

Rhysand, standing a few feet away, took a step closer, his eyes never leaving her.

"Is that so?", he asked, his voice low and he winked.

  His gesture gave a smile tugged at the corners of Amy's lips. The distance between them seemed to vanish, replaced by a sense of love and understanding.

  The day flowed smoothly, their work accomplished with a newfound lightness, and as night fell, they shared a quiet dinner together.

"I have to meet a friend tomorrow, Rhys," Amy said, her tone casual but her eyes betraying a hint of nervousness. "So I won't be able to come to the company with you tomorrow."

  Rhysand paused, his fingers lingering on the last button. He raised an eyebrow, curiosity flickering in his gaze.

"A friend? Anyone I know?"

Amy shook her head, forcing a smile. "No, just an old acquaintance I haven't seen in a while. It's nothing important."

  Rhysand walked over to her, his footsteps soft on the carpet. He lifted her chin gently, his eyes searching hers.

"Are you sure everything is okay?"

Amy nodded, leaning into his touch.

"Yes, Rhys. I just need to catch up with this friend. It's been a long time."

He studied her for a moment longer, then pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Alright. But if you need anything, call me."

"I will," she promised.

  After dinner, Claire received an urgent call and hurried to the hospital, leaving Amy and Rhysand alone.

  Amy found Rhysand at the sink, washing the dishes. She approached him quietly, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind. Rhysand paused, savoring the warmth of her embrace. After the dishes were done, they retreated to their room, the silence between them filled with unspoken emotions.

  Amy refreshed herself and emerged to find Rhysand just finishing up. Droplets of water glistened on his jawline, tracing a path down to his Adam's apple. The sight made her heart race, and she couldn't look away. When he took a towel to wipe away the moisture, something inside her snapped. The desire to be close to him, to feel his skin against hers, overwhelmed her.

  She stepped closer, grabbing his shirt with a firm but gentle grip. The fabric bunched under her fingers as she pulled him towards her.

  Rhysand responded instantly, his arms encircling her waist, his fingers slipping beneath her clothes to caress her skin. The touch was electrifying, sending shivers down her spine. His eyes met hers, filled with a fierce, protective love that made her breath catch. The air between them was charged, heavy with anticipation and longing.

  Just then, the soft patter of rain against the window caught their attention. Rhysand's eyes lit up with a mischievous glint, and without a word, he led her outside.

  The cool rain cascaded around them, each drop a refreshing burst against their heated skin. Rhysand pulled her closer, his hands firm on her waist, and lifted her effortlessly, grabbing her thigh to steady her. Their wet clothes clung to their bodies, making the contact even more intimate.

  In the rain, Rhysand leaned in and kissed her deeply. His lips moved against hers with a passionate urgency, his hands holding her as if she were the most precious thing in the world. One hand remained on her waist, pulling her closer, while the other traced the curve of her thigh, lifting her slightly to deepen the kiss.

  The rain fell around them, but they were lost in their own world, the storm inside them far more intense than the one outside. Amy's fingers threaded through his damp hair, pulling him closer, their breaths mingling as they clung to each other. The kiss was an unspoken promise, a declaration of love that words could never fully capture.

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