Chapter Eighteen

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  The day dawned with an eerie calmness, the sun casting a golden hue over Nimers City as Amy prepared to embark on a journey she had never imagined. Her wedding day had arrived—a day that should have been filled with joy and celebration, yet carried a weight of uncertainty and apprehension.

  Amy stood before the mirror, her reflection adorned in a simple yet elegant wedding gown. Her hands trembled slightly as she adjusted the veil, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't ignore the knot of unease tightening in her stomach, nor the lingering doubts that plagued her thoughts.

  Outside, the mansion where the ceremony would take place stood grand and imposing, a stark contrast to the turmoil within Amy's heart. Guests arrived in a steady stream, their voices a distant murmur as they mingled and exchanged pleasantries. Among them, Rhysand Archer stood with an air of quiet authority, his demeanor composed and unwavering.

  Amy's father, now freed from the burden of debt but burdened by guilt, approached her with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Amy," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I never wanted this for you."

  Amy embraced her father tightly, her own eyes welling with tears. "It's not your fault, Dad," she replied softly. "We'll get through this together."

  As the ceremony commenced, Amy walked down the aisle with a mixture of resignation and determination. The eyes of the guests followed her every step, their murmurs of admiration mingling with whispers of curiosity and sympathy.

She saw Rhysand in his suits with a warm welcoming smile.

  Rhysand stood amidst the opulent grandeur of the reception hall, his gaze inevitably drawn to Amy as she moved gracefully among their guests. Her presence seemed to shimmer with an ethereal quality, catching the light in such a way that it highlighted every delicate contour of her features.

  Her eyes, a shade of deep emerald, held a quiet intensity that belied the turmoil within. They flickered with fleeting glimpses of vulnerability, softened by lashes that framed them like delicate curtains. Her complexion, porcelain and flawless, seemed to glow with an inner radiance that captivated him.

  Amy's hair cascaded in waves of chestnut silk, gently framing her face and cascading elegantly down her back. Each movement she made, each gesture, carried a natural grace that spoke of a quiet strength—a strength that Rhysand found both intriguing and unexpectedly compelling.

  But it was more than just her physical attributes that stunned him. It was the way she carried herself with dignity and poise, despite the circumstances that had brought them together. Her quiet resolve, her unwavering composure in the face of uncertainty, drew him in with a magnetic pull he couldn't quite explain.

  As Rhysand observed her from a distance, he felt a stirring within—a recognition of something rare and precious that had entered his life unexpectedly. It was a moment where time seemed to slow, where the murmurs of the guests faded into a distant hum, leaving only Amy and the unspoken connection that sparked between them.

  In that fleeting moment, Rhysand realized that Amy's beauty went far beyond what met the eye. It was a beauty woven with courage, resilience, and a depth of character that intrigued him more than he cared to admit. And as he watched her navigate the intricacies of their wedding day with a quiet strength, he couldn't help but feel a profound admiration for the woman who had become his wife.

She came near and stood beside him, "Smile Ms. Amy Rile."

She neither looked at him nor smiled.

  In the hushed silence of the grand hall, Rhysand and Amy stood facing each other, the weight of their arrangement hanging heavy between them. The gleaming gold bands were presented on a velvet cushion, symbols of a contract more than a union.

  As Rhysand took Amy's hand, a subtle tremor passed through her, but her gaze remained steadfast. He slid the ring onto her finger with a precise, almost mechanical motion, his eyes never leaving hers.

  In turn, Amy picked up his ring, her fingers brushing lightly against his skin as she placed it on his finger, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth of her touch. For a fleeting moment, their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them — this was the beginning of something neither could fully predict, bound together by a promise forged in necessity.

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