Chapter Seventeen

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  Rhysand Archer had never been a man prone to sentimentality. As the CEO of Archer Innova Tech Group and the heir to his father's empire, he was accustomed to wielding power and making ruthless decisions. But everything changed the moment he saw Amy Rile Kingstone.

  It was a feeling he had never experienced before, and it both intrigued and unsettled him. He knew he had to find out who she was.

  A few discreet inquiries later, Rhysand discovered her identity: Amy, the daughter of Rile Kingstone. His mind raced as he recalled the debt papers he had received earlier that day.

  The Kingstones were in a precarious financial situation, and Rile had borrowed a significant amount from Archer Innova Tech. The solution to his desire for Amy and the resolution of the debt seemed almost too perfect.

He made the invitations ready and he went to meet Amy.

  Rhysand reached into his jacket and pulled out an invitation card. He placed it gently on the table before her, the elegant script gleaming in the light.

"Rhysand Archer weds Amy Rile," the card read.

  She looked at Rhysand, his intense gaze unwavering, and she felt a strange mix of fear and fascination.

When Amy walked in, clutching the invitation card, he turned to her with desperate eyes. "What is it, Amy? What did he say?"

Amy took a deep breath, her heart pounding. "He gave the invitation."

Rile's face fell, and he sank into a chair, his hands covering his face. "Amy, I can't ask you to do that. It's too much."

Amy knelt beside him, taking his hands in hers. "Dad, it's okay. I'll do it. For us."

Rile looked at her, tears brimming in his eyes. "Are you sure, Amy? This isn't the life I wanted for you."

Amy smiled softly, her resolve firm. "I know, Dad.

  And Rhysand he was determined to be the man she deserved, and he would stop at nothing to ensure their future together.

  Rhysand handed her the contract papers, his expression was unreadable. He exuded an air of calm control, but Amy couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye. He watched her intently as she scanned the document, his piercing blue eyes searching her face for any sign of hesitation or doubt.

"This contract," Rhysand began, his voice smooth and confident, "is for two years. At the end of that period, you are free to divorce me if you wish. All I ask is that you fulfill the terms laid out here, and in return, your father's debt will be cleared."

  Amy's heart pounded as she read through the terms. Two years. Just two years. She thought of her father, of the sleepless nights and the worry etched deeply into his features. She knew she couldn't bear to see him suffer any longer.

  If marrying Rhysand would bring them both relief, then it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

  As she read further, a particular clause caught her eye. She frowned and looked up at Rhysand, incredulous.

"You can kiss me whenever you want? What is this, Rhysand? Is this a rule?"

Rhysand's lips curved into a slow, mischievous smile.

He stepped closer, the warmth of his presence enveloping her. "Consider it a perk of the job," he replied, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers down her spine.

"After all, if we're going to convince everyone this marriage is real, we might as well enjoy the benefits."

Amy's cheeks flushed, a mix of irritation and something else she couldn't quite place. "You're impossible," she muttered, shaking her head.

Rhysand chuckled, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"You'll find, Amy, that I can be quite persuasive when I want to be."

  Back at home, Amy's father, Rile Kingstone, was anxiously awaiting her return. When she walked through the door, her face set with determination, he stood up, worry etched into his every feature.

"Amy, What did Rhysand say?" Rile's voice trembled with concern.

Amy took a deep breath, holding out the contract papers. "Dad, The contract is only for two years, and after that, I can divorce him if I want to."

Rile's face fell, and he sank into a chair, shaking his head.

Amy knelt beside him, taking his hands in hers. "Dad, it's okay. I'm doing this for us. We can't keep living like this, with the debt hanging over our heads."

Rile looked at her, tears brimming in his eyes. "Are you sure about this, Amy?"

Amy nodded, her resolve firm. "Yes, Dad. I'm sure. We'll get through this together."

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