Chapter Twenty-Five

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  Richard continued to navigate his new role at Rhysand's company, but the sight of Amy and Rhysand together lingered in his mind, a constant undercurrent of his daily life. Meanwhile, Amy's life was also in a state of flux. Her father, once the proud owner of his own company, was now living under Rhysand's roof.

  The decision for her father had been driven by necessity and the complicated dynamics of their new life. Despite the power Rhysand wielded, he had shown a surprising level of care and consideration for Amy's father, ensuring he was comfortable and well looked after.

  Amy's father, Rile Kingstone, had initially resisted the change. He was a man of independence and pride, but the closing of his company and the turbulent events that followed had left him with little choice. Over time, he had come to appreciate Rhysand's hospitality, even if it was tinged with the complex emotions of their circumstances.

  One evening, after a long day at work, Amy returned home to find her father sitting in the garden, a book in his lap. She found him at Rhysand's mansion. The setting sun cast a warm glow over the scene, creating a serene atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the chaos of her thoughts.

"Hey, daddy?" Amy greeted, sitting down beside him.

Rile looked up, his eyes crinkling with a smile. "Amy"

"Do you know that our company...", she begun.

"I know Amy, Gakxel took his shares and left."

"how was your...?"

"Busy, as always," she replied, leaning back and letting the quiet of the garden soothe her. "How about you? How are you settling in?"

Rile sighed, closing his book. "It's different, but Rhysand has been very kind. He's made sure I have everything I need. It's not the same as running my own business, but... I'm."

  Amy nodded, her thoughts drifting to Rhysand. Despite the complicated nature of their relationship, he had shown a side of himself that was considerate and protective, especially toward her father. It was a facet of him she hadn't fully anticipated.

"He's... trying, in his own way," she said softly.

Rile gave her a knowing look. "And how are you, Amy? How are you handling all of this?"

  She took a deep breath, struggling to articulate her feelings. "It's been a lot to adjust to. Working with him, living here... sometimes it feels like I'm in a completely different world."

  Her father reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You're strong, Amy. You'll find your way through this. We'll solve this."

  The next morning, Amy woke up to the routine sounds of the household—servants moving about, the distant hum of the city outside. She got dressed and made her way downstairs, where she found Rhysand already at the breakfast table, sipping his coffee.

"Good morning Ms. Amy Rile" he greeted, his tone as composed as ever.

"Morning," Amy replied, pouring herself a cup of coffee. As she sat down, her thoughts wandered to the day ahead, to the tasks and responsibilities that awaited her.

As they ate breakfast, Rhysand glanced at her. "Your father's adjusting well. He seems more at ease. And I've made some arrangements."

Amy nodded, appreciating the gesture. "Thank you for making sure he's comfortable."

Rhysand gave a small nod. "It's important to me that he's taken care of. He's family now."

Amy's heart twisted at the words, 'Family'. The term felt heavy with implication, a reminder of the strange new reality she was navigating.

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